الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


طريقة التقديم علي جامعة بيتسبرغ بالتوفيق

طريقة التقديم علي جامعة بيتسبرغ بالتوفيق


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4723 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية dr.moon1

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    dr.moon1 الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    dr.moon1 , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى physiotherapy , بجامعة pittsburgh University
    • pittsburgh University
    • physiotherapy
    • ذكر
    • pittsburgh, PA
    • السعودية
    • Apr 2009

    March 26th, 2012, 09:32 PM

    السلام عليكم

    يااخوان انا ابغي اقدملكم طريقة التقديم علي جامعة بيتسبرغ

    طبعا حاولت ارفق الموضوع بالصور بس صراحه ماعرفت

    طبعا اول شي لازم تعادل الشهاده من شركة wes او شركة ece والشباب الله يجزاهم خير كانو منزلين مواضيع مفصله علي الطريقة
    شرح التسجيل في موقع wes.org لمعادلة الشهاداتhttp://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum14/thread115109.html

    شرح التسجيل في موقع ECE.ORG لمعادلة الشهادات بالصور - مبتعث

    2/ بعدين تدخل علي الرابط هذا وتضغط علي create account

    وحتسجل اول فراغ اسمك والفراغ الثاني اسم العائله الفراغ الثالث الايميل والرابع تآكيد الايميل وتحتها تاريخ الميلاد واخر فراغ اكتب خمسه اصفار

    وتحت الرقم السري وتآكيدو

    3/ بعدها حاينفتح الapplication

    Personal and Biographical Information
    Applicant Name
    - Please Select -Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.

    الاسم الاول
    Middle Initial
    اسم العائله
    Other Last Name
    Social Security Number
    (Providing this information is voluntary and is not required of International applicants.)
    خليه فاضي
    تاريخ الميلاد
    Male رجل
    Female امرأه
    Current Address
    Address Line 1اكتب عنوانك في السعوديه
    Address Line 2
    Zip Code
    Permanent Address
    Is your Permanent Address the same as Current? اضغط علي yes
    Yes No

    (if 'YES', the information will automatically fill in upon saving the section)
    Address Line 1
    Address Line 2
    Zip Code
    Contact Information
    Home Phone
    Cell Phone
    Email الايميل
    Email address
    What is your citizenship status? U.S. Citizen
    Permanent Resident
    Non-Immigrant/International Student اظغط هنا
    Citizen of what Country?

    بعدين تضغط save and continue

    Application Information
    The school's programs are divided up into several categories. Please review the following list, find your program of interest, then choose from the Academic Plan and Academic Subplan, if applicable:
    Academic Plan Sub Plan(s)
    PhD Rehabilitation Science _______
    PhD Communication Science and Disorders _______
    Clinical Doctorate in Speech-Language Pathology (CsCD) _______
    Certificates (Graduate)
    Disabilities Studies
    Rehabilitation Technology
    Master of Science in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition*
    Health Information Systems
    Healthcare Supervision Mgt
    Occupational Therapy*
    Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy
    Neuromuscular Physical Therapy
    Rehabilitation Counseling
    Rehabilitation Sci and Technology
    Sports Medicine
    Wellness and Human Performance
    *Post-Professional programs
    Professional Degrees
    Coordinated Master in Dietetics (CMD)
    Prosthetics and Orthotics
    Bachelor of Science/Arts programs:
    Athletic Training
    Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition
    Health Information Management
    Rehabilitation Science
    Program Information
    Are you applying to an undergraduate or graduate program?* Please selectUndergraduateGraduate تختار بكالوريس
    او ماجستير ودكتوراه
    Academic Plan* Please selectPhD - Rehabilitation SciencePhD - Communication Science and DisordersMS - Health and Rehabilitation SciencesCertificate (Graduate) Disabilities StudiesCERT - Rehabilitation TechnologyDoctor of Clinical Science (CScD)-Speech-Language PathologyMS - Coordinated Master's in Dietetics (CMD)MS - Prosthetics and Orthoticsهنا تختار الكليه
    Please select a subplan only if you are applying to the MS - Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
    Academic Subplan Clinical Dietetics & NutritionHealth Information SystemsHealth Care Supervision & ManagementOccupational TherapyMusculoskeletal Physical TherapyNeuromuscular Physical TherapyRehabilitation CounselingRehabilitation Science & TechnologySports MedicineWellness and Human Performance (التخصص الدقيق)
    Enrollment Information
    Please select the Term and Year for which you are applying.*
    Please Select موعد الدراسه
    Please select the Enrollment Status that applies to you.
    Please select the Enrollment Status that applies to you.Full time نختار الاولي
    Part time
    Have you previously applied to the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences?
    Have you previously applied to the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences?نختار no
    Yes No
    If 'Yes', what was the year of application? yyyy نخليه فاضي
    If 'Yes', for which program did you apply?
    Did you receive a freshman guarantee to a SHRS program? Did you receive a freshman guarantee to a SHRS program?
    Yes No

    كمان save and continued
    Your answers were saved successfully to the database.
    Essay/Supporting Documents
    Please refer to Admission and Application requirements on the SHRS website athttp://www.shrs.pitt.edu
    Graduate Applicants: Please submit a statement discussing the following: Interest in the field of study, your reasons for applying to the University of Pittsburgh; and academic, professional and research goals. You can also include other pertinent information that you feel the Admissions Committee should know about you.
    To upload a document in response to this question, please click the 'upload' button below. If your upload is successful, you will see a 'view document' button and a 'delete' button appear next to the question.

    هنا تسوي ارفاق لي الغرض من الدراسه
    Optional Resume for MS applicants:
    To upload a document in response to this question, please click the 'upload' button below. If your upload is successful, you will see a 'view document' button and a 'delete' button appear next to the question.
    هنا ترفق الcv
    This statement should not be longer than 2 pages.
    To upload a document in response to this question, please click the 'upload' button below. If your upload is successful, you will see a 'view document' button and a 'delete' button appear next to the question.
    Online Prerequisite Form (form can be downloaded in the 'Downloadable Forms Section') to be completed by the following programs:
    • Coordinated Masters in Dietetics (CMD)
    • Wellness and Human Performance
    • Prosthetics and Orthotics

    • Athletic Training
    • Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition
    • Health Information Management
    • Rehabilitation Science

    To upload a document in response to this question, please click the 'upload' button below. If your upload is successful, you will see a 'view document' button and a 'delete' button appear next to the question.

    Academic Information
    College 1
    Please remember that official transcripts must be sent to:

    SHRS Admissions Office
    4020 Forbes Tower
    University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, PA 15260
    School Code اضغط علي look up
    واكتب المعلومات
    Name of School
    Type of degree or diploma
    if applicable
    Date degree received or expected mm/dd/yyyy
    Number of credits completed عدد الساعات الي خلصتها
    Cumulative QPA المعدل التراكمي

    save and continue

    اخر شي بقي التوصيات recommendation

    حاتكتب بيانات الشخص الي راح يسويلك التوصيه وتكتب ايميلو هما راح يرسلولو ابلكيشن يعبيه طبعا هما يبغو 3 توصيات

    بس وبعدها ترسل الطلب

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