Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to ask you please kindly If you could issue me new offer letter in order to come to study on time. The reason I do not come because I did not get my visa before my start date and therefore the Saudi Ministry of higher education asked me to provide new offer letter with new start date in order to issue the guarantee letter . I appreciate your kind cooperation
7 " I would like to ask you please kindly If you could issue me new offer letter in order to come to study on time. The reason I do not come because I did not get my visa before my start date and therefore the Saudi Ministry of higher education asked me to provide new offer letter with new start date in order to issue the guarantee letter . I appreciate your kind cooperation
June 24th, 2012, 08:47 PM
اريد قبول بتاريخ جديد وذلك لان الوزاره تعليم العالي رفضت هذا القبول وطلبت مني ان اجدد القبول بتاريخ جديد حتى يمكنني ان استخرج قرار الابتعاث
(سبب تاخري في بدء الدراسه هو ان الفيزا اخذت وقت طويل )