مبتعث جديد New Member
morad418 , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى السعودية
, تخصصى موارد بشرية
, بجامعة ul
- chicago, liione
- السعودية
- Dec 2012
المزيدl January 22nd, 2013, 06:42 AM
January 22nd, 2013, 06:42 AM
لأهل الخبرة ارجوكم ساعدوني دقيقة وحدة بس إذا حاب تساعدين مالك إلى دعوات في السجود وبخلي الوالدة تهريكم دعاء...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بغيت مساعدة من أهل الخبرة في النظر إلى خطاب الغرض من الدراسة اللي برسله للجامعات وحبيت اشوف رأيكم فيه وإذاكان فيه أي تعديل او حذف أو إضافة ياريت تفيدوني ولكم مني جزيل الشكر والدعاء.
اسأل الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم أن يفرج على كل من دخل وقرأ موضوعي وساعدني أو لم يساعدني وأن يرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ويحققله جميع ما يتمنى إن كان فيه صلاح لأمر دينه ودنياه آمين يارب العالمين
مع الرسالة:
Since my childhood everyone was seeing the leadership in my actions, where children were always walking behind me, and according to my vision without much effort at persuasion, and that is why I when I grew up I decided to enter many tests of the character analysis, and the result always was(a Leader) in all the tests that I've had.
I loved the management and majored in business administration in Bachelor and was my focus on human resources which I loved very much where they fit with my leadership personality, then I graduated and worked in one of the largest hospital in the Kingdom as auditor and the management was appointed me a head of the Personnel, and then without asking of me I was appointed manager of human resources management by the administration after the sensed my leadership skills in the management field.
I was able in a short period to realize significant achievements in the work, I did work policies, and job descriptions for staff ,and I set up the salary scale that was adopted by the Ministry of Health and distributed to 77 hospitals in the Kingdom, I am also a certified instructor in communication and dialogue.
My ambition did not stop and completing my education become very important now especially after the racing of companies to hire me, but I want to develop my scientific and practical abilities and my skills through the study of Masters degree in Human Resources in your great university to be a professional in HR ,and so I can serve the organization which I belong to.
knowing I holds a Diploma in Professional Human Resource Management with GPA 87 out of 100 , and also I have a lot of courses in several fields.
In short, I am a management professional with 10+ years of exceptional track record in human resource management and personnel management.
As apparent from my CV, I have displayed proficiency in human resource management. I possess valuable insight, keen analysis and team approach to implement best HR practices. What deserves to be highlighted is I am a versatile and competent professional honed with deep understanding of HR strategic role in different types of organization and employment contexts. I have also conducted internal audit programs to improve internal controls within the organization in my previous employment.
My key skills include strategic planning, employee relations, job analysis, recruitment, training/development, audit strategies, financial management, cost accounting and performance evaluation. I also possess an outstanding customer focused mindset combined with excellent leadership and negotiation skills.
Finally, I hope to get conditional acceptance by your great university, and that's where I should study English before enrolling at the university
Best Regards
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته,,
عند الانتهاء من كتابة الورقة ، لابد من عرضها على متخصصك (أمريكي) لأننا نظل انترناشيونال ، ومراجعتنا تظل محدودة الفائدة مقارنة بالمتخصصين,,
الأمر الأهم: لابد من وجود موضوع بحثي دقيق داخل الخطاب في إحدى مجالات تخصصك ، من أجل إثبات اهتمامك البحثي ورغبتك في أداء هذه المهمة خلال دراستك,,
لابد من القراءة في مجلات النشر العلمي المتخصصة في مجالك المطلوب ، لكي تتعرف على الأبحاث المطروحة حديثا ومعرفة التوجه المستقبلي للتخصص,,
الكلام العام والمطاطي ينفع مع المصاريه فقط,,
ربنا يوفقك ويسهل أمرك,,
رصيف الشمس January 22nd, 2013, 06:49 AM
7 " مشكور يالغالي وما قصرت بس من وين نجيب المتخصص الأمريكي وبعدين أنا تخصصي موارد بشرية يعني لازم يكون فيه مجال للبحث؟
morad418 January 22nd, 2013, 07:00 AM
7 " حياك الله ياغالي ..
انا والله ودي اساعدك .. لكن مادام انها رساله لقبولك بالماستر .. فما ودي اخاطر فيها حتى وان كانت عندي القدره الكافيه باني اصحح الاخطاء ..
والسبب اني ممكن اصحح الاخطاء الاملائية .. القرامر .. الستراكشر .. لكن ما اقدر اعيد صياغة قطعه كاملة بدون ماعرف المغزى منها من الاول .. لان القطعه فيه اشياء كثيره مافهمتها .. وحتى حاولت افهمها ماقدرت مو عارف وش تقصد فيها بالضبط ..
وهذي ماقدر اصححها لك كلها لاني مثل ماقلت لك اول لانها رساله لقبول الماستر .. والثانيه اني ماعرف الاشياء اللي تبيها واللي ماتبيها وايش المطلوب منك او حتى البرفسور اللي بترسلها له ايش الاشياء اللي يبي ينظر فيها ! ..
لان هذه الامور بالذات تحتاج لها ناس متخصصه في كتابة رسائل الماستر والبحوث وهالامور .
وانا ماعندي هالخبره او هالمهاره .. مابعد وصلت لها ..
واخاف من قطع الارزاق .. ولا ودي اكون سبب في قطع رزق احد ..
ومثل مايقول المثل .. قطع الرقاب ولا قطع الارزاق ..
لكن اقدر اقولك فيه مكاتب بالسعوديه متخصصه بهالامور .. عندهم ناس متخصصين بكتابة البحوث وخطابات القبول بالجامعات وماشابهها ..
يعني لهم خبره بهالمجال .. اما حنا مساكين على قد حالنا ..
يقولك المثل من سأل ماضاع ..
وعسا الله ييسر لك امورك ويسهل لك دربك ويوفقك يارب العالمين ..
محمد فهد .. January 22nd, 2013, 07:36 AM
7 " يعطيك الف عافية بس ياريت تحددلي مكان التعديلات اللي تشوفها
morad418 January 23rd, 2013, 08:45 AM
7 "
January 22nd, 2013, 06:42 AM
لأهل الخبرة ارجوكم ساعدوني دقيقة وحدة بس إذا حاب تساعدين مالك إلى دعوات في السجود وبخلي الوالدة تهريكم دعاء...السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بغيت مساعدة من أهل الخبرة في النظر إلى خطاب الغرض من الدراسة اللي برسله للجامعات وحبيت اشوف رأيكم فيه وإذاكان فيه أي تعديل او حذف أو إضافة ياريت تفيدوني ولكم مني جزيل الشكر والدعاء.
اسأل الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم أن يفرج على كل من دخل وقرأ موضوعي وساعدني أو لم يساعدني وأن يرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ويحققله جميع ما يتمنى إن كان فيه صلاح لأمر دينه ودنياه آمين يارب العالمين
مع الرسالة:
I loved the management and majored in business administration in Bachelor and was my focus on human resources which I loved very much where they fit with my leadership personality, then I graduated and worked in one of the largest hospital in the Kingdom as auditor and the management was appointed me a head of the Personnel, and then without asking of me I was appointed manager of human resources management by the administration after the sensed my leadership skills in the management field.
I was able in a short period to realize significant achievements in the work, I did work policies, and job descriptions for staff ,and I set up the salary scale that was adopted by the Ministry of Health and distributed to 77 hospitals in the Kingdom, I am also a certified instructor in communication and dialogue.
My ambition did not stop and completing my education become very important now especially after the racing of companies to hire me, but I want to develop my scientific and practical abilities and my skills through the study of Masters degree in Human Resources in your great university to be a professional in HR ,and so I can serve the organization which I belong to.
knowing I holds a Diploma in Professional Human Resource Management with GPA 87 out of 100 , and also I have a lot of courses in several fields.
In short, I am a management professional with 10+ years of exceptional track record in human resource management and personnel management.
As apparent from my CV, I have displayed proficiency in human resource management. I possess valuable insight, keen analysis and team approach to implement best HR practices. What deserves to be highlighted is I am a versatile and competent professional honed with deep understanding of HR strategic role in different types of organization and employment contexts. I have also conducted internal audit programs to improve internal controls within the organization in my previous employment.
My key skills include strategic planning, employee relations, job analysis, recruitment, training/development, audit strategies, financial management, cost accounting and performance evaluation. I also possess an outstanding customer focused mindset combined with excellent leadership and negotiation skills.
Finally, I hope to get conditional acceptance by your great university, and that's where I should study English before enrolling at the university
Best Regards