الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.

Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4340 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ضايع في امريكآآآ
    Alslam 3lekm ,

    actually always 10K making wonderful subjects, this one of them,go ahead on it

    Good luck guys
    Thank you "LOST IN U.S" > nice translate

    I am looking forward to see you again ...

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اســـ الهم ـــير

    I've never been good at reading, yet I'm working on it

    Next time I'm gonna do better

    Me neither

    but, I try my best ... so try your best and over the time you will be a better reader .
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK
    Thank you "LOST IN U.S" > nice translate

    I am looking forward to see you again ...

    Me neither

    but, I try my best ... so try your best and over the time you will be a better reader .
    Yeah that is the plan

    the more you expose yourself to the language, the better you're gonna be
    7 "
  3. although i have been studying English since 7 months ago, i have to practice my English more
    I talked to my teacher about my problem, and she gave me 3 advice
    One of them was I shouldn't depent only on the school, try to practice your English by your own

    For example, watch a lot of movies, Talk to American People, learn a lot of vocabulary

    <<,< that was the first part of my essay
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة benefactor
    Salaaam Alekm guys

    How is every body
    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته < احسن نكتبها عربي مو

    Everybody is doing great, I think

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة MohanadSS
    although i have been studying English since 7 months ago, i have to practice my English more
    I talked to my teacher about my problem, and she gave me 3 advice
    One of them was I shouldn't depent only on the school, try to practice your English by your own

    For example, watch a lot of movies, Talk to American People, learn a lot of vocabulary

    <<,< that was the first part of my essay
    To improve your English skills you have to write, read, and speak in English most of your time.
    The more you read, the better you will become.

    Watching movies is a good way to learn, but you have to at least have an English subtitle.
    so you can listen & read in the same time.

    Good luck my friend, and remember to write more and more ..
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد الخريجي
    Walykom Alsalam
    I am good, how about you?

    what a nice subject !
    I really like it ..

    I am going to take a TOEFL exam in about 5 days, I don't know why I feel that I will not do well on it. Please guys prey for me.

    have a great evening guys
    Well, look who's here
    Welcome my brother ...

    You should have a high self-esteem ...
    That means, you should believe in yourself ...
    you can do very well ...
    and I assure you that.. I can see that you have a pretty good skills ..
    so don't underestimate yourself

    YOU CAN DO IT...
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK
    Well, look who's here
    Welcome my brother ...

    You should have a high self-esteem ...
    That means, you should believe in yourself ...
    you can do very well ...
    and I assure you that.. I can see that you have a pretty good skills ..
    so don't underestimate yourself

    YOU CAN DO IT...
    Hey !! how are you my brother ?

    well, I will try to do my best on the exam.. we'll see .

    in case, I appreciate your help, thank you
    7 "
  6. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة.

    مساكم/صبحكم الله بالخير جميعا.

    اليوم معايا موضوع جديد طقطقت علية وكتبتة كامل..... واتمنى اخباري بأي خطأ فيه عشان اكيد انا حستفيد والكل هنا حيستفيد وهذا هو عنوان هذا الموضوع ....

    وانتظر من الأخ 1ok يقوللي ان اسلوبي في الكتابة بدأ يتطور ياارب : حظرت:.... وألف شكر لك مره واولى وثانية وعاشرة لإفادتي سابقا وافادة جميع الأعضاء وألف شكر لكل عضو شارك بمعلومة او تصحيح غلط سواء لية او لغيري ...

    بالتوفيق وتحياتي للجميع ..

    Getting an A in Class

    There is a lot of things I should to do to get an A in Class. First of all, I have to come on time every day to be ready for class before it starts.

    If I come late I will lose some of my points for that, my brain will not work immediately, and I will distract my classmates if I come after my

    teacher starts to explain the next
    lesson. Next, I should go to the library for my studying before I come back home for many reasons. first, the

    atmosphere there encourages me
    to study when I see the students busy while they are studying .

    second, as an international student I can practice another language with native speakers and

    I could ask someone there to help me with my homework assignments .Then, I have to pay attention to my teachers every class by asking

    them for strange and new information. I should take notes for important words. In addition, I have to avoid another thing that prevents me

    from focusing with my teachers. Such as ,using cellphone or speaking to my classmates about other topics. After that ,I should prepare for my

    class before I come by reading the text book for the new lesson and asking my teachers about the next class. Also, if I prepare for the new

    lesson I will not surprise about the new information . Mother fore, I have to drink something good like coffee before the classes ,so I can get

    energy in my mind to work very well during the day and it prevents my feeling to be sleepy. Also, the smell of the coffee makes me excited to

    start my day very well.in addition, I have to sleep well for many reasons, if I do not sleep well I will be very tired so, I cannot get the

    information in the class .unfortunately, I will make my teachers getting upset at me during the class so, I will lose the points of participation in

    my classes. Last thing for getting an A in class is I should be active and participate with my teachers and classmates. For instance, raising my

    hand for answering the questions ,working with partners and working in groups. The participation helps me understand the lessons very well

    and become confident and a smart student.

    . In conclusion, by doing all these recommendations I will be able to get an A in all my classes and I suggest to every student to do them to achieve their goals be successful students.

    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة.

    مساكم/صبحكم الله بالخير جميعا.

    اليوم معايا موضوع جديد طقطقت علية وكتبتة كامل..... واتمنى اخباري بأي خطأ فيه عشان اكيد انا حستفيد والكل هنا حيستفيد وهذا هو عنوان هذا الموضوع ....

    وانتظر من الأخ 1ok يقوللي ان اسلوبي في الكتابة بدأ يتطور ياارب : حظرت:.... وألف شكر لك مره واولى وثانية وعاشرة لإفادتي سابقا وافادة جميع الأعضاء وألف شكر لكل عضو شارك بمعلومة او تصحيح غلط سواء لية او لغيري ...

    بالتوفيق وتحياتي للجميع ..

    Getting an A in Class

    .There are a lot of things I should do to get an A in class. First of all, I have to come on time everyday to be ready for the class before it starts.

    If I came late, I will lose some of my points, my brain will not work immediately, and I will distract my classmates ​ especiallywhen the

    teacher starts the class .(or you can say, "when the class begin"). Next, I should go to the library to study before I go home for many reasons. first, the

    place there encourages me to study when I see the students studying without disturbance.

    Secondly, as an international student I can practice another language with native speakers and

    I could ask someone there to help me out with my homework.Then, I have to pay attention to my teachers every class by asking

    them for strange and new information. I should take notes for important words. In addition, I have to avoid things that disturb my attention in class, such as ,using cellphone or talking to classmates about other topics. After that , I should prepare for my

    class before I come by reading the textbook for the new lesson and asking my teacher about the next class. Also, if I prepare for the new

    lesson I will not surprise about the new information . Mother fore, I have to drinksomething good like coffee before the classes ,so I can get

    energy in my mind to work very well during the day and it prevents my feeling to be sleepy. Also, the smell of the coffee makes me excited to

    start my day very well.in addition, I have to sleep well for many reasons, if I do not sleep well I will be very tired so, I cannot get the

    information in the class .unfortunately, my teachers will be upset at me during the class so, I will lose the points of participation in

    my classes. Last thing, to get an A in class I should be active and participate in class.

    . In conclusion, by doing all these recommendations I will be able to get an A in all my classes and I suggest to every student do it to achieve their goals and to be successful students.
    Blue = corrected.
    Gray = Repeated sentences, ideas.
    Orange = Arabic slang.!

    "my brain will not work immediately "
    I suppose that your brain doesn't work until you drink coffee...
    This is an Arabic slang, so try to say " I won't pay attention." or " I will feel sleepy".

    ATMOSPHERE : الغلاف الجوي
    The envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet: "part of the sun's energy is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere".

    for strange and new information
    Shouldn't you ask them about the class itself ?
    if you say " I ask them for a strange and new information" then the first thing you will hear is " Weird"!
    I know you mean "smart questions" and that's because you think in Arabic!

    so you have to delete :
    every class by asking them for strange and new information

    I have to drink something good like coffee
    So you recommend to drink coffee because it's good ?
    I don't think so, coffee it's not good for the body nor brain.
    juice is good... but not coffee..

    Try to rephrase the orange sentences, and delete the gray sentences ..

    Resort your paragraph...

    because you started in class ended up with sleeping early.
    It'll be hard to catch up with the scenario ....
    try to rewrite the scenario ( woke up early, breakfast, going to school, after school studing, then go home)

    overall, you are improving very fast...
    there is a big difference between this paragraph and the old one.

    keep it up, and I believe you'll be better than me in a short time.
    (you'll be able to find my mistakes and you'll be my teacher )

    7 "
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