الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.

Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4382 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه

    I swear you are the prince and the best one in this forum.

    This is the best idea and the adviser in this forum must keep this subject forever because it really will benefit all

    also,I can not wait to see the writing from the great members here

    and I am sure that I will write here every day god willing.

    thank you so much.
    First I am not a prince, I am just a guy who wants to learn some skills with new vocabulary.

    Let us begin with your post.

    "I swear you are the prince and the best one in this forum.

    This is the best idea and the forum moderator in this forum must stick this thread forever because it will really benefit all students

    also,I can not wait to see the posts from our great members here,

    and I am sure that I will write here every day god willing."

    - "adviser" .. the person who monitors the forum named "Forum Moderator"... The "adviser" is the person who gives advice depending on his knowledge and experience.
    - " keep this subject forever" .. you can say " Stick" or "Sticky" it is a common word means "Pined".
    - " it really will benefit all students"... " nothing wrong " :> just a suggestion might be helpful. (It will be better if you say " it will really" always better to have the subject followed by the helping verb, it will be easier to read. )
    -"Writing from the great members". just say " the posts from our great members " (replace writing with posts)
    Optional: " I can not wait to see the great posts from our members."

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    also I know that I will write a lot of mistakes but I will be so happy if any one here correct them and I will ask God everyday for helping him/her.
    Always. God names, prophets names, Quran, Hadith.. and so on, begin with Capital letter.
    you are doing fine, just keep going sister.
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK
    First I am not a prince, I am just a guy who wants to learn some skills with new vocabulary.

    Let us begin with your post.

    "I swear you are the prince and the best one in this forum.

    This is the best idea and the forum moderator in this forum must stick this thread forever because it will really benefit all students

    also,I can not wait to see the posts from our great members here,

    and I am sure that I will write here every day god willing."

    - "adviser" .. the person who monitors the forum named "Forum Moderator"... The "adviser" is the person who gives advice depending on his knowledge and experience.
    - " keep this subject forever" .. you can say " Stick" or "Sticky" it is a common word means "Pined".
    - " it really will benefit all students"... " nothing wrong " :> just a suggestion might be helpful. (It will be better if you say " it will really" always better to have the subject followed by the helping verb, it will be easier to read. )
    -"Writing from the great members". just say " the posts from our great members " (replace writing with posts)
    Optional: " I can not wait to see the great posts from our members."

    Thank you very much sir
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة غربـ9
    Okay guas In fact I was not fuce in mu sentus when I writ it, so that why I had alot of maistak I know I have speling mistak put I hope In futher I can writ with out any maistaks think you all I whis for you all the best
    Man you should slow down your speed a little bit

    Okay guys, In fact I was not focusing in my sentence when I wrote it, so that is why I had a lot of mistakes. I know I have spelling mistakes, but I hope In further posts I can write without any mistakes.
    Thank you all, I wish you all the best.

    we wish you a nice dreams

    Let us see again my friend.
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابن بيت آل هليلة
    جميل يا صاحب الموضوع، الله يكتب لك ولنا خير مما نرجو.

    الله يجمل حالك ويبيض وجهك يوم تسود الوجوه ..

    ويكتب لنا واياك كل خير ويسر وتوفيق يارب العالمين ..

    شاكر لك مرورك ياغالي ..
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK
    Good for you my friend ...
    try to write something and check out your English writing skill.
    I lost all of my writing skills. It's been a while since I wrote something formal.

    but now that school's just started, It will re-fresh my memory.

    hope this thread doesn't just fade away because it would definitely help the members

    keep fighting lol
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Twisted
    I lost all of my writing skills. It's been a while since I wrote something formal.

    but now that school's just started, It will re-fresh my memory.

    hope this thread doesn't just fade away because it would definitely help the members

    keep fighting lol

    - "School's" ... it is better to say "schools" because it is plural, so it does not have to have the apostrophe before the "s".
    - "doesn't " ... this is informal, which is against the writing rules in this thread. (WRITE IN FORMAL FORM).

    It is good to see your post my friend, you seems to have a lot of hidden skills
    It is better to write something helpful here, rather than writing useless things on other threads.
    So, the thread will be active as long as you share your posts in it.
    just keep it up, because it will be helpful for other members.

    I am looking forward to see your posts.
    7 "
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