الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.

Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4381 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. Wow ,this is fabulous.I liked the idea ,but i hope we can add "one or two vocabulary " that new for us or that we used every day !.
    I hope you will understand my point and my writing too.
    My word for today is
    it means: unusual,odd, very strange
    When i saw Lady Gaga pictures, i always think of this word
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lilo
    Wow ,this is fabulous.I liked the idea ,but i hope we can add "one or two vocabulary " that new for us or that we used every day !.
    I hope you will understand my point and my writing too.
    My word for today is
    it means: unusual,odd, very strange
    When i saw Lady Gaga pictures, i always think of this word

    That is really an awesome idea. I do not mind to post new vocabulary in each post.


    "liked" .. if is it something that you like for a while and then you changed your mind on it, then you say " liked" -
    and if is it something you like and still liking it. then you say " like".

    "that new for us" .. a good way to say that is " that will be new to us". -
    Optional: we can say " We can add one or two new vocabulary".. the sentence here is simple and clear, and it will be referred to the members or even the readers in general

    we used every day" ="We use everyday" .. Present simple. / everyday " -

    I like the word you chose.

    unfortunately I do not have any thing prepared right now, but I will attache them with the next reply

    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK

    - "School's" ... it is better to say "schools" because it is plural, so it does not have to have the apostrophe before the "s".
    - "doesn't " ... this is informal, which is against the writing rules in this thread. (WRITE IN FORMAL FORM).

    It is good to see your post my friend, you seems to have a lot of hidden skills
    It is better to write something helpful here, rather than writing useless things on other threads.
    So, the thread will be active as long as you share your posts in it.
    just keep it up, because it will be helpful for other members.

    I am looking forward to see your posts.
    "by school's just started, I meant "school has just started.
    not the plural.
    but I guess it is against the rules to write this way either haha.

    haha trust me there are no hidden skills. My English is a mess.
    And we will keep this thread up as long as we can. Do not worry about that.
    7 "
  4. It is a great idea to share our knowledge. After all, we're here to learn something

    I would like to share my short conclusion of an essay I'm working on it right now. Your feedback much appreciated

    FYI, esaay title is: The Mother, Center of the Family

    Considering the big role mothers play, it is not surprising that they are absolutely the core of the family. Loving, caring, and sharing are attributes that mothers provide unconditionally. Thinking that an ideal happy family consists of gay parents is simply a half-baked idea. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.”
    7 "
  5. It is my pleasure to write in your post my dear friend
    it is a great idea to share a helpful information , so i would like to mention one fact i have already read it from a psychology book which is :
    everything you would like to do depend on two things happiness and pain . To be happy on your life you should cover the pain by the negatives then your brain automatically will avoid doing a bad things
    for example :
    if someone wants to quit smoking he should remind his mind about what happened if i smoke continuously from diseases , bad smell and so on .

    excuse me for making you bored

    i had already English 's exam which is the last exam and i hope to be the highest achiever on my class don't forget me on your prays .
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK
    You do not have to say " Start to write" if you already "Writing" the sentence.
    That will repeat the verbs in the same sentence. So, if you are doing something you can always say what are you doing without adding additional verbs >
    example : Start to write or Start writing.
    Correction : Writing this sentence.

    Grammer Rule : Present continuous
    Subject + Helping verb + verb1 + ING ...
    How simple is that

    Read more above ...

    Part one : I HOPE I can meet some people are not with me in my coming days
    How are you going to meet them if they are not with you in the future ?

    I knew they are in the past, because that I wrote I hope I think it works

    I think I misunderstood the meaning or you meant something else.

    Part 2 : BUT they put marked in my life, does not matter if it was good or bad marked I will remember them
    Put: it is already in the past ...
    (Put, Put, Put)
    (present, past, past participle)

    so in this case you better say " put marks" so "marks" will be the "Object".
    also, the second word " Marked" same mistake, and even if you said " marks" it will better if you dump it, because the " good or bad" referenced to their subject " it ".

    another thing, use " left " rather than " put" ..
    left past of leave ...
    Correction : but they left marks in my life, does not matter if they are good or bad. I will remember them.

    thanks a lot
    I mean bad or good marks
    How I can say it?
    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Twisted
    "by school's just started, I meant "school has just started.
    not the plural.
    but I guess it is against the rules to write this way either haha.

    haha trust me there are no hidden skills. My English is a mess.
    And we will keep this thread up as long as we can. Do not worry about that.
    see that is why I suggest to write in formal form, because either way will be correct.
    Using informal form will make the sentences difficult to understand for the people who wants to improve their writing skills.
    In the main time, we have to just focus on the grammar, spelling, and the best way to write the sentence.
    That will help us to improve our writing skills to an advanced level, which will be helpful to manage between thinking in Arabic and English.

    So try your best to write in formal form, if you want to help your brothers and sisters in this forum.

    thumbs up to you ,
    7 "
  8. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة trance
    It is a great idea to share our knowledge. After all, we're here to learn something

    I would like to share my short conclusion of an essay I'm working on it right now. Your feedback much appreciated

    FYI, esaay title is: The Mother, Center of the Family
    First, let me just convert the informal words to the formal form for the people sake..
    " we're " = " we are"
    " I'm " = " I am "
    " FYI " = " For your information "
    " esaay " = " essay "


    Considering the big role mothers play, it is not surprising that they are absolutely the core of the family. Loving, caring, and sharing are attributes that mothers provide unconditionally. Thinking that an ideal happy family consists of gay parents is simply a half-baked idea. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.”

    I love it, and I am sure the essay will take a big interesting side in your course achievements.
    and I was thinking since you are talking about mothers role, I just want to share with you some opinions might be helpful.

    You said
    " Considering the big role mothers play ", I think you do not have to consider that, because we know mothers are the main core and the big role of our life.
    So what I think is, if we just say " Mothers are the center of the family," referring to your essay title it will be a good way to let everything connected to each other.
    You can also talk about how mothers provide empathy with no boundaries. They just live to give.

    I also like Abraham Lincoln's quote, it gave your conclusion some strength.

    Keep it up, and I am happy to see your post and sharing your spot with us.

    Good luck and :thumbs up:

    7 "
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