Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.
Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4340 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - ?Where is gate nubear 57 "
I'm come here to study -
7 " - Correction: Where is gate number 5?7 "
I will come here to study.
Which gate are you talking about ? - That is a correct sentence nothing wrong with it.7 "
If you want to say, " I will go home" .. you do not need to use " go to" .. just say " go "..
There are many exceptional words you can not use "go to" with them.. just "go" .. like:
go downtown, go abroad, go upstairs... and so on.
and as far as I know, there is no explanation except that you will know these words from daily conversations.
other than that, " go to" comes with most of the words. - !!i hate our culture mission7 "
several days ago i filed a request to change my graduation date and they refused it
they answered me that i have to ask for extend my scholarship !!!
it is their mistake ,, not mine
>>>>> من جد ملحقيتنا تعيسة - Same problem here,7 "
They gave me just two years in my scholarship, and now still waiting to change that, if they didn't change it before the coming November, I will be out.!
it doesn't matter if is it their mistake or yours, at the end you are the only person who is responsible for that mistake.
Don't stop trying, otherwise you'll lose your scholarship. - Innovation Summit7 "
You me salute - HA ?7 "
I did get the innovation part,
but the second part! I just don't know what you are trying to say ? - Hi guys ,the first thing I want to thank you for this idea , the second thing I want to say something i wish it will be correct sentence, I spend a great time this weekend with some friend we went to gym and we played soccer but my uncle hurts my leg I feel pain until now =( If you have time ?could you give me your opinion god bless all of you7 "
Thank you so much