الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.

Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4382 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1OK
    I hope to be adapted by SACM inshallah.

    Hey sulaiman,
    nice to see you here.

    I hope everything will go alright my friend,
    If you are going to pay your education by your own, I wish SACM will adapt you as sooner as you wish inshallah.

    Hey, I think you are better writer than me but, I have noticed some mistakes and I might be wrong.

    If you are going to pay for your education by your own, I wish SACM will adapt you as soon as you wish inshallah

    or you can say : If you are going to pay your tuition by your own, then I wich SACM will treat you as soon as you wish
    7 "
  2. alsalam alicum

    This are a group of questions and answers I want to correct my mistake

    What is the best way to learn reading and writing>>>

    For reading, I have to read every day any thing like,newspaper , magazine ,books

    For writing,I have to write every day in my note like my memories or any subject

    What was your favorite class?

    reading and writing

    Favorite teacher>


    Why did you like them so much?

    because I like writing and reading more than another subject

    I like this teacher because she was so kind ,funny, she was a good teacher ,she taught me how can write English

    Also, she was cooperation with us,

    ?What are four things I should know about you at the beginning this semester

    I am a serious student also my personality sometimes funny and I like to write essays every week to give my teacher to correct my mistake because we have to learn from our mistakes.
    last thing,I like to be the best and come in the class on time ,do my homework everyday.
    and participate with my teacher.
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Purely Original
    It is always a struggle when it comes to a "Formal" writing even for American themselves. And I think that the reason why we (Saudis) hate writing is simply because we lack the passion for reading.

    .Remember this : The more you read, the better writer you become

    I really loved the idea, well done my good brother.

    I am a hundred percent with you.
    Well say my friend..
    I hope everybody will take your words sinuously for their sake.

    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Purely Original
    Hey, I think you are better writer than me but, I have noticed some mistakes and I might be wrong.

    If you are going to pay for your education by your own, I wish SACM will adapt you as soon as you wish inshallah

    or you can say : If you are going to pay your tuition by your own, then I wich SACM will treat you as soon as you wish
    as soon as << that is the correct one not sooner....
    and yes you are right about that it is my mistake

    and about the pay for or pay your, they are all correct ..

    you can say paying for your education, because it is the same as paying your tuition ..
    you can say " I will pay my tuition " same as " I will pay my education tuition" .. and you can say " education" without the tuition, because it is already known that paying your education means you are paying your education tuition. so it does not matter if you prefer the short way or the long way to say that, as long as the sentence will be understandable.

    Finally someone came and corrected my writing
    I would love to see more...
    Happy to see you here my brother and looking forward to see you again

    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    alsalam alicum

    This are a group of questions and answers I want to correct my mistake

    What is the best way to learn reading and writing>>>

    For reading, I have to read every day any thing like,newspaper , magazine ,books

    For writing,I have to write every day in my note like my memories or any subject

    What was your favorite class?

    reading and writing

    Favorite teacher>


    Why did you like them so much?

    because I like writing and reading more than another subject

    I like this teacher because she was so kind ,funny, she was a good teacher ,she taught me how can write English

    Also, she was cooperation with us,

    ?What are four things I should know about you at the beginning this semester

    I am a serious student also my personality sometimes funny and I like to write essays every week to give my teacher to correct my mistake because we have to learn from our mistakes.
    last thing,I like to be the best and come in the class on time ,do my homework everyday.
    and participate with my teacher.

    "mistake" ... one mistake, two mistakes, three mistakes .. so on ..
    You have to say " correct my mistakes" if you do not know how many are they!.

    "everyday", "anything" they are one word, so do not separate them.

    "in my note"... using the word "note" means you are using notes to memorize things.
    I think you meant "notepad".. it is the book that you use to write in it.

    "another subject" = " More than any subjects" ..

    "I like this teacher, because she was so kind, funny, and she was a good teacher. She taught me how I can write in English. Also, she has cooperated with us."

    "also my personality sometimes funny"...
    you can say :
    " I am a serious student with a social personality. "
    it is better to be social than to be funny. that means if are social then everybody will like your personality, but if you are just funny, you might be a foolish and disrespectful person.

    " I like to write essays every week to give my teacher to correct my mistake"
    It is better to say..
    " I like to write essays every week, and let my teacher correct my mistakes".

    " I like to be the best" ... A Question Mark here !!!
    just read this sentence several times, and see what thoughts you are going to have in your mind.

    " come in the class on time" .... just say " get to my class on time".

    I will give you my suggested answer for this question, just read it and try to analyze it and see the differences.

    " I am a student who takes his classes seriously. I have a social personality, and I like writing.I believe in learning from our mistakes, so I consider my teachers help as a helpful way to improve my English skills. Finally, I always try to be as better as I could by getting into my classes earlier, doing my homework, and participate in class."


    You have the passion to write, and I believe you will be better writer in the future.
    If you keep improving your skills, I am sure your skills will be perfect especially in writing.
    Just keep practicing, and you will reach your goal in a short time.
    7 "
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