الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.

Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4381 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الصديق وقت الضيق
    Yesterday was the beginning of my classes, i had 33 American students and i was the only one whose his mother language is not English. it's a struggle and embarrassment I'm really disappointed.
    my class had 33 American students....etc

    If you say " I had 33 American students" then it means that you are having them under your control. (Like: Instructor, DR, Manager, Supervisor, .. etc).
    but since that you are still students and talking about your classmates, you should say " my class had " ...

    I think I got it right

    Take care my friend,
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lilo
    Hey everyone,
    I don't have much tonight ,but I want to share this idiom with you all.

    " has a knack for something "
    a special way of doing something , good at doing something

    1ok has a knack for cooking

    1ok has knack for math

    i hope you all understand it,, please let me know if you don't
    Excellent post,

    Thank you for this information, and yes Knack is a good word to share,
    it means that you are a really good specialist in something that you are talented in.

    Thank you for sharing sis,

    looking forward to see again with us.

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lilo
    Hey everyone,
    I don't have much tonight ,but I want to share this idiom with you all.

    " has a knack for something "
    a special way of doing something , good at doing something

    1ok has a knack for cooking

    1ok has knack for math

    i hope you all understand it,, please let me know if you don't
    Excellent post,

    Thank you for this information, and yes Knack is a good word to share,
    it means that you are a really good specialist in something that you are talented in.

    Thank you for sharing sis,

    looking forward to see again with us.
    7 "
  3. this is my first paragraph

    the subject about >write a paragraph if you are agree or not agree for using cellphone in the class .

    الموضوع بعد النصايح والتعديل .

    In my opinion,teachers should prevent their students from using cellphones in class for many reasons
    First of all,using cellphones in classes prevents students from paying attention with their teachers .In addition, the students who use cellphones in class may not be interested with their activities.Another significant thing is that the teachers will explain the lessons for the students without any benefits. On the other hand,if the students use the cellphone in class for using dictionary , I think they can use it after they take permission from their teachers.

    In conclusion , some people may believe that using cellphones in classes should be allowed but I believe that their drawbacks outweigh their advantage,

    الله يستر شكلي جبت العيد

    ماعرفت اعدل اكثر من كذا مالقيت كلام اعبر فيه اصلا لأن الموضوع محصور كله نفس الكلام مايستخدموا التليفونات عشان كيت وكيت وخلاص .. ايش باقي اعدل واضيف

    ثاني شي ايش تقصد اخوي انه لازم اخلي كتابتي وتفكيري سلس وسهل مو فاهمه النقطة هذي .... فهمني فيها الله يجزاك خير يعني انا اكتب بطريقة معقدة واخلي الموضوع صعب

    انتظر الله والله يعطيك ألف عافيه ... وبجد تعلمت كثييــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ تر من نصايحك الله يوفقك ..
    7 "
  4. Hey everyone,
    I don't have much tonight ,but I want to share this idiom with you all.

    " has a knack for something "
    a special way of doing something , good at doing something

    1ok has a knack for cooking

    1ok has knack for math

    i hope you all understand it,, please let me know if you don't

    المصدر: http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum8/threa...#ixzz2KBw3IpUh
    i like this post!!!!
    it remembered me of a nice idiom that said
    not until the fat lady sing
    which means
    it is not over yet!!!
    my teacher used to use this idiom a lot

    i am more interested in learning the slang and the idioms more than learning the accent

    if you like this idea and you need me to post that paragraph give me LIKE .

    المصدر: http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum8/threa...#ixzz2KBxsIAZP
    i love this idea
    go ahead brother
    7 "
  5. بحاول اصحح اللي اقدر عليه ، واذا جا 1OK راح يفيدك اكثر

    التصحيح راح يكون بالخط الازرق
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    this is my first paragraph

    the subject
    is >write a paragraph if you agree or disagree with using cellphones in classrooms .

    In my opinion, teachers should prevent their students from using cellphones in classrooms for many reasons
    First of all, using cellphones inside classrooms prevents students from paying attention to their teachers .In addition, students who have cellphones may not be interested in the class activities. Another significant thing is that the teachers will explain the lessons for the students without any benefits. On the other hand,if students use their cellphones to use a dictionary such as an English class for an Arabic student , I think they can use it after they take permission from their teachers.

    In conclusion , some people may believe that using cellphones in classrooms should be allowed, but I believe that their drawbacks outweigh their advantages.

    الله يستر شكلي جبت العيد

    The reason why I removed the article " the " from most of your sentences is because you're are not talking about a single classroom or a single student, but you're making a generalization

    Just make sure to CAPITALIZE the first letter of each and every sentence.

    Other than that, I believe that it was well organized

    Keep up the good work
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    this is my first paragraph

    the subject about >write a paragraph if you are agree or not agree for using cellphone in the class .

    In my opinion,teachers should to prevent their students of using cellphones in the class for many reasons
    First of all,using cellphones inside the classroom prevent students from paying attention with their teachers .in addition, the students who have cellphones may not be interested with the class activities.another significant thing that the teachers will explain the lessons for the students without benefits. on the other hand,if the students use the cellphone in the class for using dictionary such as , English class for Arabic student , I think they can use it after they take permission from their teachers.

    In conclusion , some people may believe that using cellphone in the classes should be allowed but I believe that their drawbacks outweigh advantages.

    الله يستر شكلي جبت العيد
    Welcome back sister,
    What a wonderful start ...

    This is really a good paragraph, it has some mistakes but still has its own goodness.

    The first thing that I want to ask you about this
    the subject about >write a paragraph if you are agree or not agree for using cellphone in the class .
    Is this your subject title ?
    if yes, then it is a long title..
    If you want a really good title for your subject, you should always try to short up your terms.
    For instance, you're talking about using cellphones in class, so I can say in the title : Using Cellphones inside Classroom
    That will make it more understandable and straight to the point.

    the subject about >write a paragraph if you are agree or not agree for using cellphone in the class .
    the subject is about >writing a paragraph if you agree or disagree with using cellphone in class

    Agree & Disagree :
    Most of the positive words you can convert them to negative by adding DIS before the word.
    Examples :
    Positive words : Agree, advantage , able, patch ...etc
    Negative: Disagree, Disadvantage, Disable, Dispatch ..etc

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معيده ومبتعثه
    In my opinion, teachers should to prevent their students of using cellphones in the class for many reasons
    First of all,using cellphones inside the classroom prevent students from paying attention with their teachers .in addition, the students who have cellphones may not be interested with the class activities.another significant thing that the teachers will explain the lessons for the students without benefits. on the other hand,if the students use the cellphones in the class for using dictionary such as , English class for Arabic student , I think they can use it after they take permission from their teachers.

    In conclusion , some people may believe that using cellphone in the classes should be allowed but I believe that their drawbacks outweigh their advantages.
    The letters in RED color, should be deleted.
    The letters in Blue are WRONG, and should be corrected
    The letters in Orange are BETTER if you rephrase them.

    TO never comes after SHOULD

    OF according to your sentence, the correct word will be FROM

    IN THE CLASSnever say that, always say IN CLASS

    SUCH AS , ENGLISH CLASS FOR ARABIC STUDENTyou don't have to provide examples on something that we already knew

    Regarding the words in Orange.
    They are correct grammatically, but you wrote them in a very complicated way .
    I want you to rethink and rephrase the sentences in ORANGE again.
    try a different way to express your thoughts within your words.
    and remember ... always THINK SIMPLE ...

    this time I will try another method to make you improve your writing by yourself.

    Let me know if you have any question.
    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اســـ الهم ـــير
    بحاول اصحح اللي اقدر عليه ، واذا جا 1OK راح يفيدك اكثر

    التصحيح راح يكون بالخط الازرق

    The reason why I removed the article " the " from most of your sentences is because you're are not talking about a single classroom or a single student, but you're making a generalization

    Just make sure to CAPITALIZE the first letter of each and every sentence.

    Other than that, I believe that it was well organized

    Keep up the good work

    glad to see you my brother,
    nice work !

    In the main time, we're not focusing on the structure more than the writing itself.
    what we need is to let people write as much as they can, which will make it easier for them to develop their writing skills.
    specially in HOW TO choose the right words to make a perfect sentence.
    because the main problem with most of people is HOW TO THINK IN WRITING.
    if you told them to write a paragraph with just five sentence, they will find it very difficult to write a simple paragraph.
    so we are trying to expand their thoughts and skills to make them more flexible to use when needed.

    Other corrections and additions are welcomed, because we have different skills levels.
    That will be very helpful though.
    and I am trying to not make it restricted with a lot of rules.

    because we are not in academical place to be perfect ... but we use FUN as a free way to learn

    That is the main idea of this thread.

    keep it up man,
    you are always welcome and I will be more than happy to see you here.
    7 "
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