الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.

Pump Up Your English - أرفع مستوى لغتك بالكتابه بمشاركتك مع الاعضاء.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4381 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية محمد فهد ..
    محمد فهد ..

    المراقب العام

    محمد فهد .. الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    محمد فهد .. , ذكر. المراقب العام. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى Information Science , بجامعة UALR
    • UALR
    • Information Science
    • ذكر
    • Little Rock, Arkansas
    • السعودية
    • Mar 2009

    January 24th, 2013, 06:42 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

    اليوم جايكم بفكره كويسه .. احب اننا كلنا نستفيد منها ..

    الفكره هي ان كل واحد يكتب اي جمله بباله بالانجليزي .. ويحاول بقد مايقدر انها تكون صحيحه ..
    الجمله مو شرط تكون سطر او سطرين .. الوضع مفتوح .. يقدر يكتب الى خمس اسطر ..
    وتكون كتابته فورمال formal بمعنى انها مافيها كلمات مختصره او يستخدم فيها السلانج slang ..

    واللي يصحح الجمله .. يكتب لو شرح مختصر ايش كان الخطأ اللي شافه وكيفية تصحيحها ..

    ولابد ايضا انه يشارك بجمله من عنده .. واذا كانت صحيحه .. يقتبسها مثلا شخص ويكمل من عنده ..
    اما ان الجمله تكون مثلا موجهه لشخص معين .. او انها جمله عامه ونقدر نركب عليها جمله ثانيه ..
    او انها جمله مالها صله بشيء .. عادي الوضع مفتوح مثل ماقلت سابقا ..

    بهالطريقه نقدر نستفيد من بعض لان فيه اعضاء ماشاء الله عليهم عندهم خلفيه ممتازه باللغه ..
    وراح نستفيد من بعض بوقت قصير علينا كلنا ..

    وراح تتحسن اللغه ومهارة الكتابة عند الكل حتى اللي مستواهم عالي بالكتابه برضوه بيستفيد ..

    انا معكم وباشارك معكم بالموضوع ..

    اللي حاب يشارك يدخل وياخذ راحته بالانجليزي لو يعطينا نظريات علمية بالانجليزي ماعندنا مشكله اهم شي الفايده
  2. Good job my brother
    However there are some mistakes
    1-start to write this sentence or start writing the sentence
    2- probably
    3- IELTS
    4- doa= pray

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I want to try

    really it's a good idea

    I HOPE I can meet some people are not with me in my coming days, BUT they put marked in my life, does not matter if it was good or bad marked I will remember them
    7 "
  3. Great heading (not surprising it came from you). I really like this idea that you offered. I think it is important understanding meaning behind change that helps to motivate others for improving their second language. Members of our forum have to understand that this idea is not going to be easy at first, and it will often be a struggle. However, it is one of the best way to develop our writing skills efficiently. Finally, one of my favorite sayings is "change comes from within." Thanks
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة غربـ9
    Ok It is a good Idia I like it that why Iam starting writng the sentens , moreover next week proply Iam going to take ialits test just mak doa for me
    Okay, it is a good idea. I like it. That is why I am writing this sentence, because I am going to take IELTS next week. Pray for me.

    If you want to say (OK) you have to options to write it formally.
    1. O.K
    2. Okay
    also, you have some spelling mistakes. which you can figure from the correction.

    The next part of the sentence is the part you should focus on.
    "you said " moreover next week proply Iam going to take ialits test
    On the second part of the sentence, you want to emphasis the reason of the first sentence which is " It is a good idea". So, you have to support your opinion with a reason on why you think it is a good idea. In this case it is better to begin with " because" rather than " Moreover".

    Make doa' for me.
    It is the same as Pray for me
    If you said " I am praying to Allah" then it means that you are doing Salah.
    and if you say " I am praying for you" then you mean Doa'a

    I hope I got everything right.

    I told you, you should write a formal sentence ..
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ooola
    Good job my brother
    However there are some mistakes
    1-start to write this sentence or start writing the sentence
    2- probably
    3- IELTS
    4- doa= pray

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I want to try

    really it's a good idea
    You do not have to say " Start to write" if you already "Writing" the sentence.
    That will repeat the verbs in the same sentence. So, if you are doing something you can always say what are you doing without adding additional verbs >
    example : Start to write or Start writing.
    Correction : Writing this sentence.

    Grammer Rule : Present continuous
    Subject + Helping verb + verb1 + ING ...
    How simple is that

    Read more above ...

    I HOPE I can meet some people are not with me in my coming days, BUT they put marked in my life, does not matter if it was good or bad marked I will remember them
    Part one : I HOPE I can meet some people are not with me in my coming days
    How are you going to meet them if they are not with you in the future ?
    I think I misunderstood the meaning or you meant something else.

    Part 2 : BUT they put marked in my life, does not matter if it was good or bad marked I will remember them
    Put: it is already in the past ...
    (Put, Put, Put)
    (present, past, past participle)

    so in this case you better say " put marks" so "marks" will be the "Object".
    also, the second word " Marked" same mistake, and even if you said " marks" it will better if you dump it, because the " good or bad" referenced to their subject " it ".

    another thing, use " left " rather than " put" ..
    left past of leave ...
    Correction : but they left marks in my life, does not matter if they are good or bad. I will remember them.
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رصيف الشمس
    Great heading (not surprising it came from you). I really like this idea that you offered. I think it is important understanding meaning behind change that helps to motivate others for improving their second language. Members of our forum have to understand that this idea is not going to be easy at first, and it will often be a struggle. However, it is one of the best way to develop our writing skills efficiently. Finally, one of my favorite sayings is "change comes from within." Thanks
    Great topic (I'm not surprised it came from you). I really like your idea that you offered. I think it is important to understand the meaning behind the corrections to improve others English.
    Our forum members have to understand that this idea is not going to be easy at the beginning, and it will be struggled more often. However, it is one of the best ways to develop our writing skills efficiently. Finally, one of my favorite quotes is "change comes from within".

    - A "heading" it could be a topic, but it has other several meanings. like ( title of something, subtitle, a top of something and so on).
    While you meant in the sentence (Topic) which is the post that I did. So, it is better to use "topic" to specify the meaning that you want.

    - I'm not surprised: If you want to express your feelings, you always tailed the word with "ed" and make sure to add the "Subject + helping verb" before it.
    example : I am not surprised, I am interested .. and so on.

    - If you want to point something important to do or feel or think, you have to say "important" followed by "to" .. "Important to ... "
    - "understanding meaning" it is impossible to have two verbs in one sentence with the same time line. (present, present) ( past, past) .. and so on.

    - "Change" ... you meant "corrections", so you have to write corrections, otherwise we will not know what changes you are talking about !. (same one... specify the meaning that you want).
    - "Change that helps to motivate others for improving their second language." .. It is a long way to say that, also that way will cause some mistakes as you already have. (Short your words to the point).

    -"Members of our forum" it is better if we flip it a around so it clears itself.

    - "it will often be a struggle".... use the present perfect form.

    - "one of the best ways"... The rule of "One of MANY".. always begin with singular and end with plural.

    - "sayings" ... you mean " quotes " .....
    change comes from within
    Well say my friend, nice one.. I have added to my favorites too.
    7 "

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