وش اخذ معي للسفارة .. تكفووووون ثواني بسس
وش اخذ معي للسفارة .. تكفووووون ثواني بسس
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4379 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - ارسلوا ذا الايميل !!7 "
*Printed DS-160 confirmation page, including the bar code confirmation number
*SAMBA receipt for payment of the visa application fee.
-Visa fee receipt from SAMBA bank: Please bring the receipt of the visa fee for each applicant.
Pay the application fees, the visa application fee is a non refundable fee must be paid BEFORE you come to your interview.
You may pay the visa application fee at any branch of SAMBA bank in Saudi Arabia (http://www.samba.com/ENGLISH/Common/HTML/AtmsBranches_01_01_en.asp).
If you hold a bank account at SAMBA bank, you can pay online by clicking this web linkhttps://www.samba.com/common/sconnect/SCMallServlet.svl?Prod_Id=VIS00001&Code=002&LANG=& scmallpurchase=)
You must bring with you on the day of the interview the visa fee payment receipt that you obtained after paying at SAMBA bank or the printed receipt if you have paid on-line.
The visa application fee depends on the type of visa you are applying for:
Effective April 13, 2012, the Department of State will adjust visa processing fees. While the fees for most nonimmigrant visa applications and Border Crossing Cards will increase, all immigrant visa processing fees will decrease.
Although most categories of nonimmigrant visa processing fees will increase, the fee for E visas (treaty-traders and treaty-investors) and K visas (for fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens) will decrease.
Nonimmigrant Visa Processing FeesApplicants will be charged the fee in effect on the day of payment. For fees that are increasing, receipts for payments made prior to the fee changes will be accepted for 90 days after the fee takes effect, or through July 12, 2012. In categories where fees are declining, no refunds will be available for those who paid prior to the effective date; however, these receipts are valid for the usual one year from the date of issuance.Type of VisaPrevious FeeNew FeeTourist, Business, Transit, Crew Member, Student, Exchange Visitor, and Journalist visas $140$160Petition-Based visas (H, L, O, P, Q, and R) $150$190Treaty Investor and Trader visas (E) $390$270Fiancé(e) visas (K) $350$240Border Crossing Cards (age 15 and older) $140$160Border Crossing Cards (under age 15) $14$15
Information on all U.S. visa types is available athttp://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1286.html
6. Purchase Courier Envelope - If your visa is approved, it will be returned via FedEx. You must bring cash with you on the day of your interview to pay for a FedEx envelope, regardless of where you live.
Address in Riyadh SR65
Address outside Riyadh SR125
*Photograph: A 5cm x 5cm photo with a white background, taken within the last six months. Men should not wear any head covering. Women’s hairline and jaw line must be clearly visible.
***Many photo studios use computer editing to process photographs. We cannot accept such pictures. Please clearly instruct the studio to provide a NATURAL PICTURE WITHOUT ANY COMPUTER ALTERATIONS.
Bring your photo(s), meeting the requirements above, even if the upload to the DS-160 was successful.
To view examples of pictures/photos that are accepted by the Embassy, please clickhere.
*Additional documents required for certain visa types. If you are applying for a student visa, please include the documents listed below. For a medical, personal/domestic employee, crew or any other specific type of visa.
Please refer to the website at Visas | Embassy of the United States Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to determine which additional documents you must bring to your interview.
*Proof of strong ties to Saudi Arabia: A letter from your current employer, on letterhead, with your position/job title, length of time employed, and monthly salary will suffice. In addition, you may wish to bring your three most recent monthly bank transaction statements.
*Passport(s): Current and previous passports issued in the past ten years. Also, please bring a photocopy of the biographical page of your current passport.
In addition to the documents listed above, applicants seeking to enter the United States as students or their dependents should provide:
*I-20 form from the school: Include the original form and a photocopy for the primary applicant and each dependent.
*SEVIS fee receipt. Fee can be paid electronically at http://www.fmjfee.com.
*Official transcripts: The primary applicant must present transcripts for all previous coursework since the beginning of High School, including English language studies.
*Proof of funds: to cover all expenses as listed on the I-20, e.g. bank statements, a bank certificate, and/or confirmation of a scholarship (financial guarantee letter).
What to Expect at the Embassy
Access to Embassy grounds and Consular Section waiting areas is strictly limited to visa applicants. Individuals who do not have an appointment or other valid purpose for entering the facility will not be admitted. Please remember that children under the age of fourteen do not need to appear in person for interviews.
It is not possible to bring the following items into the Embassy. Please leave them at home or in your car:
-Mobile phones or pagers of any type.
-Electronic devices such as car door openers, iPods or PDA’s.
-All beverages, including bottled water (please see below for infants).
-Shampoo, lotion, creams, toothpaste, hair gel, perfume or similar toiletries.
-Suitcases or large handbags.
- نفس هالكلام اللي حطه اخونا كنت احبك ..7 "
قبل انسى ... فيه شغله مهمه ..
قبل لاتنزل من السياره حط جوالك بالسياره ... ممنوع الدخول بالجوالات ..!
والاجهزه الالكترونيه عموما ..! - لا تنسى السجل الأكاديمي بعد لأنهم يطلبونه7 "
إذا انت بتدرس ماجستير ما يحتاج شهادة الثانوية العامة
أنا زوجي طبعا محرمي وطلبوا منه الشهادة البنكية وكانت بالريال السعودي
بس والله يوفقك ..
في أمان الله - انا بكالوريس7 "
- ما ازيد على كلام الاخوان الا بـ شغلة وحدة7 "
كل ورقة تحس انها ممكن تخدمك او تفيدك او تنطلب منك خذها ,, اذا احتجتها تكون موجودة و اذا ما احتجتها ما خسرت شيء
يعني لو مثلا اشتغلت فترة بعد الثانوي خلي معاك صورة من استقالتك و اسم الشركة و شهادة الخبرة ( احيانا يطلبوها لو انت مثلا جلست سنة بعد الثانوي و ما كملت تعليمك )
فعليا الاخوان غطوا تقريبا كل الاوراق و ترى على فكرة الورقة الصفراء مالها شغل انه اوراقك كاملة او ناقصة لها اعتبارات ثانية خاصة فيهم
احيانا لـ مجرد الاشتباه في اسمك ممكن يقضبونك الباب
لكن الوضع صدقني صار مريح اكثر من قبل ,, و استخراج الفيزا جدا سهل وكل من هب و دب صار يقدر يطلع فيزة امريكا
يعني حط في بطنك بطيخة صيفي ( ادري مو حزة البطيخ ذحين ) و اتوكل على الله - اقلكم ....؟!7 "
اخذ معي صورة شهادة ثاني ثانوي ولا ما يحتاج !؟؟ عندي صورة مختومة وموقعه حقت ثالث ثانوي !! - أخوي خذ معاك اوراق التي تخص الدراسه والضمان الطبي وعشان ماتتوهق خذ نسخ طبق الاصل من كل شي زيادة حرص . بالتوفيق7 "
- اش ضمان طبي الله يعااافيك !!!؟؟7 "
اضمان الطبي بسويه هناك !!!!! - السلام عليكم اخوي م احب ازيد عن كلام الاخوان7 "
لكن انا كانت مقابلتي قبل 3 اسابيع والحمدالله عديت والفيزا طلعت وكانت مقابلتي يوم الاربعاء .. السبت والفيزا عندي كلها 3 ايام توفيق من الله
شوف انا رحت واخذت معي شنطة اوراق ولا كمان مصور من كل ورقه نسختين .. كلها خوف وقلق واحتياط في نفس الوقت .. لكن كل اللي اخذتها *_* م طلبوها
شوف يالغالي اول م وصلت عند الشباك تبع السفاره .. تطلب منك الجواز + تسديد رسوم سامبا + الورقه اللي مكتوب فيها هذي ليست فيزا .. تاخذها منك وتشوفها وترجعها لك ويقولون لك تفضل تدخل مع البوابه التفتيش بعد التفتيش يدخلونك بوابه ثانيه تمشي سيده لين تحصل بوابه كبيره تدخل تحصل واحد عند البوابه ياخد الجواز منك يطبع عليه ورقه ويعطيك رقم .. تدخل الصاله تبع الانتظار لين يجي رقمك تروح لشباك تحصل وحده او واحد راح يرتب معك الاوراق ويجهزك قبل م تروح للمقابله تبع انتبه الرقم لازم يكون معك لان راح يكون فيه مقايله ثانيه ... طبع راح يطلبون منك الجواز + تسديد سامبا + السيفس + الاي توني + شهادة الثانوي ثالث + الورقه اللي مكتوب عليها هذي ليست فيزا + شهاد بنكيه او كشف حساب لمده 3 شهور هذا اذا كنت ع حسابك اما اذا كنت مبتعث .. الضمان المالي تبع التعليم العالي .. راح يحطونها لك في ملف بعدها تاخذ الملف + الرقم وتجلس في صالة الانتظار وراح ينادونك مره ثانيه للمقابله .. اذا نادوك راح يقول لك تبي المقابله بالعربي او الانجليزي انت تحدد بعدها راح ياخذ منك الملف .. يشوف الاوراق وييسالك .. اذا قالك الفيزا قبلت (وباذن الله تقيل ) راح يرجع لك جميع الاوراق عدا الجواز + تسديد رسوم سامبا ياخذها ,, ويقول لك روح سدد رسوم الفيدكس .. وموفق يالغالي
واهم شي لا تخاف او ترتبك وحاول تهتم شوي بالمظهر
*Printed DS-160 confirmation page, including the bar code confirmation number
*SAMBA receipt for payment of the visa application fee.
-Visa fee receipt from SAMBA bank: Please bring the receipt of the visa fee for each applicant.
Pay the application fees, the visa application fee is a non refundable fee must be paid BEFORE you come to your interview.
You may pay the visa application fee at any branch of SAMBA bank in Saudi Arabia (http://www.samba.com/ENGLISH/Common/HTML/AtmsBranches_01_01_en.asp).
If you hold a bank account at SAMBA bank, you can pay online by clicking this web link
You must bring with you on the day of the interview the visa fee payment receipt that you obtained after paying at SAMBA bank or the printed receipt if you have paid on-line.
The visa application fee depends on the type of visa you are applying for:
Effective April 13, 2012, the Department of State will adjust visa processing fees. While the fees for most nonimmigrant visa applications and Border Crossing Cards will increase, all immigrant visa processing fees will decrease.
Although most categories of nonimmigrant visa processing fees will increase, the fee for E visas (treaty-traders and treaty-investors) and K visas (for fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens) will decrease.
Information on all U.S. visa types is available athttp://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1286.html
6. Purchase Courier Envelope - If your visa is approved, it will be returned via FedEx. You must bring cash with you on the day of your interview to pay for a FedEx envelope, regardless of where you live.
Address in Riyadh SR65
Address outside Riyadh SR125
*Photograph: A 5cm x 5cm photo with a white background, taken within the last six months. Men should not wear any head covering. Women’s hairline and jaw line must be clearly visible.
***Many photo studios use computer editing to process photographs. We cannot accept such pictures. Please clearly instruct the studio to provide a NATURAL PICTURE WITHOUT ANY COMPUTER ALTERATIONS.
Bring your photo(s), meeting the requirements above, even if the upload to the DS-160 was successful.
To view examples of pictures/photos that are accepted by the Embassy, please clickhere.
*Additional documents required for certain visa types. If you are applying for a student visa, please include the documents listed below. For a medical, personal/domestic employee, crew or any other specific type of visa.
Please refer to the website at Visas | Embassy of the United States Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to determine which additional documents you must bring to your interview.
*Proof of strong ties to Saudi Arabia: A letter from your current employer, on letterhead, with your position/job title, length of time employed, and monthly salary will suffice. In addition, you may wish to bring your three most recent monthly bank transaction statements.
*Passport(s): Current and previous passports issued in the past ten years. Also, please bring a photocopy of the biographical page of your current passport.
In addition to the documents listed above, applicants seeking to enter the United States as students or their dependents should provide:
*I-20 form from the school: Include the original form and a photocopy for the primary applicant and each dependent.
*SEVIS fee receipt. Fee can be paid electronically at http://www.fmjfee.com.
*Official transcripts: The primary applicant must present transcripts for all previous coursework since the beginning of High School, including English language studies.
*Proof of funds: to cover all expenses as listed on the I-20, e.g. bank statements, a bank certificate, and/or confirmation of a scholarship (financial guarantee letter).
What to Expect at the Embassy
Access to Embassy grounds and Consular Section waiting areas is strictly limited to visa applicants. Individuals who do not have an appointment or other valid purpose for entering the facility will not be admitted. Please remember that children under the age of fourteen do not need to appear in person for interviews.
It is not possible to bring the following items into the Embassy. Please leave them at home or in your car:
-Mobile phones or pagers of any type.
-Electronic devices such as car door openers, iPods or PDA’s.
-All beverages, including bottled water (please see below for infants).
-Shampoo, lotion, creams, toothpaste, hair gel, perfume or similar toiletries.
-Suitcases or large handbags.