مبتعث جديد New Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
A_A_F , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى not yet
, بجامعة UCLA
- los angeles, california
- السعودية
- Dec 2012
المزيدl May 10th, 2013, 04:51 AM
السلام عليكم جميعا
انا جاني ايميل من معهد ucla وبصراحة ماعرف كيف ارد عليهم طالبين مني ادفع قبل الكورس او ارسل خطاب رسمي الله يخليكم احد يخبرني كيف اسوي
ولكم جزيل الشكر
نص الرساله...
Dear student, Greetings from the American Language Center! You have applied for the Academic Intensive English Program (AIEP) Summer A beginning June 24, 2013. This is a reminder that the payment deadline for the Program Fee and Student Services Fee is June 10. To pay these fees online, please go to www.uclaextension.edu, and use the Project IDs listed below. There is a new project ID for the program fee. We apologize for any confusion regarding the payment process. Payment instructions are attached. Please only pay each fee one time and make sure that you only have 1 student ID #. Description Amount Project ID AIEP Summer 2013 A Program Fee $4450 240-085 AIEP Summer 2013 A Student Services Fee $1005 233-204 If you are being sponsored by a government agency, please email us an official financial guarantee before the program start date. لا هالرسالة وانا اخوك بس للي على حسابهم .. اما انت مبتعث فكل اللي عليك انك ترسلهم الضمان المالي وقت وصولك لامريكا ..
لانهم يقولون قبل بداية البرنامج اللي هو حسب الايميل يبدا في 24 يونيو .. طبعا لما توصلين بتعطيك الملحقية ضمانك المالي ارسليها لهم .. واللهم لك الحمد ..
ارسلي لهم ..
You know that I am being sponsored by the government and therefore I should arrive to USA to get the official financial grantee from SACM (this is the procedures of SACM). what I understood from the e-mail is that it's OK to send you an e-mail with the FG before june 24th ? Is that right
best regards
shy heart May 10th, 2013, 10:04 AM
7 "
May 10th, 2013, 04:51 AM
انا جاني ايميل من معهد ucla وبصراحة ماعرف كيف ارد عليهم طالبين مني ادفع قبل الكورس او ارسل خطاب رسمي الله يخليكم احد يخبرني كيف اسوي
ولكم جزيل الشكر
Greetings from the American Language Center! You have applied for the Academic Intensive English Program (AIEP) Summer A beginning June 24, 2013. This is a reminder that the payment deadline for the Program Fee and Student Services Fee is June 10.
To pay these fees online, please go to www.uclaextension.edu, and use the Project IDs listed below. There is a new project ID for the program fee. We apologize for any confusion regarding the payment process. Payment instructions are attached. Please only pay each fee one time and make sure that you only have 1 student ID #.
Project ID
AIEP Summer 2013 A Program Fee
AIEP Summer 2013 A Student Services Fee
If you are being sponsored by a government agency, please email us an official financial guarantee before the program start date.