الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


اريد جامعه لدرجة الماجستير في Project Management

اريد جامعه لدرجة الماجستير في Project Management


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6067 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية فيصل الخميس
    فيصل الخميس

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    فيصل الخميس غير معرف

    فيصل الخميس , تخصصى متخرج حديث , بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
    • الملك عبدالعزيز
    • متخرج حديث
    • غير معرف
    • جده, جده
    • غير معرف
    • Feb 2008

    July 19th, 2008, 08:16 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    كيف حالك الاخوان والاخوات بالملتقى المبارك ان شاء الله
    في البدايه حاب اوضح لكم باننا نحن زملاء نحمل بكالوريس هندسه من جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز في تخصص هندسه كهرائيه ومدنيه

    ونحن نبحث عن جامعة لاستكمال درجة الماجستير في ادارة المشاريع على ان لاتتجاوز الدراسه سنتين دون فترة اللغه، على ان تكون الجامعه بها معهد لغه.

    معلومات ننكن تسهل بعض الشي مجهودكم في مساعدتنا:
    سنه التخرج لا تتجاوز سنه
    المعدل 2.78 من 5 تقدير جيد
    المعدل 2.66 من 5 تقدير مقبول

    الولايات المقترحه مبدئياً الولايات الغربيه لحسب علمي علمي بان المعيشه فيها مناسبه للطلاب وولايات ذات اجوا دراسيه

    طريقة الدراسه على الحساب الخاص في البدايه ومن ثم قد يتم الالتحاق بالابتعاث مع اني اعلم بان من شروط الالتحاق ان يكون المعدل 2.75 من 4 او مايعادلها وهذا غير منطبق علينا

    المطلوب اذا سمحتم:
    1- بعض الجامعات اللي تدرس هذا التخصص
    2- التكاليف الدراسيه + المهعد
    3- بداية فترات الدراسه لكل جامعه مقترحه

    الوضع حتى كتابة هذا الموضوع:
    قمت بمراسلت جامعة بورت لاند ستيت وكان الرد كالتالي:
    Dear Faisal,

    Thank you for your interest in the University of Portland! I received your inquiry and want to answer some questions for you. We offer a Masters of Business Administration with concentrations in: health care, management, marketing, finance, global business and entrepreneurship. We do not have an MS in project management, but we do have a few courses in that arena (such as project management, and supply chain management).

    We do require that our students whose native tongue is not English take either the TOEFL exam or the IELTS exam and receive our minimum score before being eligible for admission.

    I have included a brief description of our program below. Thank you for your interest in UP. If you have any questions, please let me know.


    Melissa McCarthy
    University of Portland
    MBA Program Coordinator
  2. We offer an MBA with the option to concentrate in one of the following areas: Finance, Marketing, Management, Global Business, Health Care, and Entrepreneurship.

    All students complete a 36-semester hour program. In addition, there are up to six prerequisites courses (The Foundation Core), any or all of which may be required of students who did not have *****alent courses in their undergraduate program. MBA students choose the pace at which they complete the program; if you just need the 36-hour program and take two classes each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer), you could complete the program in two calendar years. If you need all six prerequisite courses plus the core 36 hours, you could complete the program in three calendar years at a part-time pace. Full-time students can complete the program in 1-2 years. Most classes are offered from 7:10-9:55 pm, one night weekly. We also have a small selection of courses offered from 4:10-6:55 pm.

    Our admission requirements are listed on the Internet at http://business.up.edu via the Pamplin School of Business link or the Graduate School link. The basic requirements are 500 GMAT, 570 TOEFL or IELTS (230 CAT TOEFL, 88 iBT, 7.0 IELTS), 3.00 undergraduate GPA on a four-point scale, two recommendation letters, a statement of goals and an application ($50 application fee). In addition, we prefer that applicants have two years of full-time work experience before entering the program. For the 2008-2009 academic year, classes cost $820 per credit hour. All of our classes are three credit hours, and students' programs range in length from 36 to 54 semester hours. The cost of books averages approximately $100 per class (as a rough estimate!).

    A few other quick facts
    *Our program is AACSB accredited, the highest level of national accreditation available to business schools.
    *Our program is flexible for the working professional
    *Personal attention with small class sizes
    *The Priority deadline for fall 2008 is ASAP
    *The Priority deadline for spring 2009 is December 1st

    You can also have a very informative discussion about your goals and our program in an on campus or phone interview.

    I hope this information is helpful. If you have other questions, please respond.

    Melissa McCarthy
    MBA Program Coordinator

    Pamplin School of Business
    University of Portland
    (503) 943-7225
    7 "
  3. هذا الرد من قبل مسئول الطلاب الاجانب في الجامعه وهنا ذكر شي ما استوعبته اللي هو انك تنظم كطالب بكاوريس لتسع ساعات وتحصل على معدل 3 ومن ثم تنتقل الى مرحلة الماجستير .

    وشدد على اني اتاكد اذا كان مسموح لي هذا الشي منقبل الحكومه ويقصد هنا بالتاكد وزارة التعليم العالي. واترككم مع الرساله لعلم احد يفيدني وش المقصود من النقطه هذي

    PSU International Admissions <(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)> to me
    show details
    14 Jul (5 days ago)
    Dear Faisal,

    Although we are pleased that you wish to continue your study at Portland State, please note that your GPA is below the minimum requirement for admission. To be eligible for master's admission, you must have earned no less than a 3.5 GPA out of a possible 5.0 GPA---which is *****alent to 2.5 GPA out of a possible 4.0 GPA.

    Perhaps you might consider entering Portland State as a post-baccalaureate (post-bac) student. As a post-bac student, your academic department could give you permission to enroll in graduate/master’s classes. After you have completed at least 9 graduate-level credits at Portland State with a minimum 3.0 GPA, your master’s admission would be based on the GPA earned in your graduate/master’s classes. In other words, we would consider only the GPA in your master’s classes without consideration of your GPA earned during your bachelor’s degree.

    Typically, post-bac students may transfer as many as 12 credits to a graduate program. The graduate adviser in your prospective academic department/program can provide you with more details of their specific policy.

    For a list of academic majors, please visit http://www.pdx.edu/academics.html where you can search an alphabetical list of majors or you can search by academic college. On the academic department and program webpages, you can find their contact information, often by clicking on a link/button labeled “contact us.”

    For specific details, documentation, and forms required for the post-bac international student application, please visit http://pdx.edu/admissions/intl_postbac.html. On that webpage, you can download and print all required application forms and documents.

    If you have a Saudi Arabian government scholarship, your scholarship program may or may not be given permission to study as a post-bac student. Please contact your scholarship program directly for the details of their policy.

    If you decide to apply as a post-bac student, we will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have about the application process.

    Best regards,
    Paula Harris
    International Admissions
    Portland State University
    7 "
  4. الله يعطيك العافيه اخوي
    1- بالنسبه للولايه راح اذكرها بالترتيب من الافضل الى الاقل بالنسبه لي : اورغن - سان ديقو - لاس فيقس - فرجينيا
    2- لايوجد مشكله في موضوع الدراسه في مرحلة البكالوريس
    ملاحظه مهمه:
    بعض الجامعات تطلب سنوات خبره وبالنسبه لي لاتوجد سنوات خبره ولكن هل اصدرة شهادة خبره من احدى المؤسسات للمقاولات العامه هل تودي الغرض؟
    واذا يوجد جامعات لاتطلب سنوات خبره فياليت تزودني فيها

    وشكراً لك
    7 "
  5. http://www1.indstate.edu/sogs/gradprog1.htm

    هذه تخصصات جامعه انديانا ستيت

    شف الي يناسبك كنت كاتبتلك رد طويل بس انمسح ماادري وين راح خساره

    وعطيتك الزبده

    هذه تخصصات الماستر

    الجامعه بولاية انديانا بالنص والولايه رخيصه نوعا ما
    7 "

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