it seems that u don't wanna help me why is that?
u don't even care to pick any word which could help in this particular caseso
where do u want me to ask
i picked the subject in two different places but nobody cares to reply
i'm wondering why is the site for
its called mobt3th and to help pple but i don't think that it does its work
i will find whatever i want by myself
thanx for nothing
Fallen heart
7 " u don't even care to pick any word which could help in this particular caseso
where do u want me to ask
i picked the subject in two different places but nobody cares to reply
i'm wondering why is the site for
its called mobt3th and to help pple but i don't think that it does its work
i will find whatever i want by myself
thanx for nothing
Fallen heart
August 12th, 2006, 06:05 AM
سلام عليكم يا جماعةانا ابي اسال عن جامعة اورجن
Protland State univeristy
ابغى اعرف هل يقبلون طلاب من حملة البدلوم
اقصد كم ساعة يقبلون لك من شهدتك الدبلوم
Diploma credits =70
كم ساعة يقبلون منها
انا طالب في كلية الجبيل الصناعية
و انا راسلت الجامعة بس ما عرفت كم ساعة راح يقبلون لي
اهم قالو انو كليتنا معروفه عندهم بس ابي ااعرف اذا في شخص سجل بدبلوم عندهم و يبي يكمل بكلوريوس للبعثات
طبعا دراستنا بالنجليزي و انا قلت لهم هذا الشيء
بس اكيد لازم توفل و انشاء الله خير
انتظر اجاباتكم
I will be waiting
Fallen heart