الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


ابي اطلع رخصه قياده ماهي الاجراءات؟؟؟

ابي اطلع رخصه قياده ماهي الاجراءات؟؟؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5966 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية abdulelah

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    abdulelah غير معرف

    abdulelah , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة UCF
    • UCF
    • طالب
    • غير معرف
    • Orlando, FL
    • غير معرف
    • Jun 2006

    October 16th, 2008, 06:20 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

    اخوااني انا مالي غير يوميين واصل مدينه اورلاندوو وابي اطلع رخصه قياده
    وانا عند رخصه سعووديه ما هي الاجراءات اللازمه عشااان اطلعهاا ؟؟

    انا جااي ادرس لغه وسمعت انه عشاان تاخذ الرخصه لازم يختبروونك نظريي هل في استثناءات للي جاين يدرسوون لغه

  2. الله يوفقك أخوي.. الأوراق المطلوبه..

    - صورة من عقد السكن.
    - خطاب من الجامعه أو المعهد يبين انك تدرس
    - خطاب يبين انك لا تملك SSN سوشل سكرتي نمبر <---- ما أدري من وين يطلعونه
    - وتعبي الأبلكيشن

    إن شاء الله ما أكون نسيت شي..

    بخصوص انك طالب لغه.. مافيه استثناء.. بس حسب المكان اللي تبي تختبر فيه ممكن يتساهلون معك ويدخلون معك واحد من ربعك يترجم لك ويغششك
    7 "
  3. اخوي خراج الخدمه وش ذا الطلبات المعقده ؟؟ وش دخل عقد السكن وخطاب من الجامعه ؟ وخطاب اني مااملك سوشل ؟؟ يمكن يختلف من ولايه لولايه مادري صراحه بس انا طلعت رخصه ولا طلبو مني ولا شي من الي قلته بس الاي توني والجواز وصلى والله وبارك
    7 "
  4. المصدر

    New - October 1, 2008
    Effective October 1, 2008, there are several changes as to the acceptable documentation that customers must present to obtain an original driver license or identification card in Florida.
    • Customers must present proof of social security number, if issued (for example, social security card or any of the following documents showing your social security number: tax return, W-2 form, pay check, DD-214, school record)
    • All passports, permanent resident cards and employment authorization cards presented as proof of identification or legal presence must be valid. Expired documents will not be accepted.
    • The department will no longer accept driver licenses or identification cards issued by other states as primary identification. Out-of-state licenses will be used as a secondary form of documentation to reciprocate driving privileges.

    Non-United States Citizens

    Original Driver License or Identification Card Florida law requires identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number (if issued, Chapter 322, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to collect social security numbers for the issuance of driver license and identification cards) from all customers before a driver license or identification card can be issued. The name assigned to the social security number must match the name that will appear on the Florida driver license or identification card. If you have recently changed your name, update your records with the Social Security Administration before you apply for your license or identification card.


    Each non-immigrant who applies for an original driver license or identification card must submit:

    1. Employment authorization card issued by the United States Department of Justice (Form I688B or I-766); or
    2. Proof of nonimmigrant classification provided by United States Department of Justice (Form I-94, not expired, with required supporting attachment(s). If in doubt regarding required documents, please bring all of your US BCIS documentation with you.). I-94s must be accompanied by a Passport. Certain classifications require additional documentation. Some examples are:
      • F-1 and M-1 classification must also be accompanied by an I-20.
      • I J-1 or J-2 designation must be accompanied by an IAP-66.
      • Refugee, asylee and parolee classifications must be accompanied by additional documentation.
    The following documents will only be accepted with a supporting document, including but not limited to a Passport, Florida Driver License or Identification Card, Driver License from any other state, Employment Authorization Card, Employer Identification, Identification from home country, Identification from school or college, Social Security Card (Chapter 322, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to collect social security numbers for the issuance of driver license and identification cards) or other US BCIS document.

    1. I-571 Travel Document/Refugee Travel Permit
    2. I-512 Parole Letter Accepted
    3. IJO- Asylum or Cancellation of Removal - Immigration Judges Order granting Asylum or Cancellation of Removal.
      • All required and supporting documents MUST be original or certified.
      • Documents must be valid for more than 30 days from the date of issuance.
      • Non-U.S. citizens applying for an original driver license will be issued a 30-day, no photo, paper temporary permit and a receipt. Non-U.S. citizens applying for an identification card will be issued a receipt.
      • All records are transmitted to our database in Tallahassee, where the information will be examined and run against FDLE, FBI and US BCIS databases.
      • Upon identity and legal status verification, a driver license or identification card will be issued within 30 days from Tallahassee, mailed to the address on the driver record. The license or identification card will be issued for the period of time specified on the US BCIS document, up to a maximum of one year.
      • If a problem is detected, a denial of issuance letter will be mailed to the customer.
    7 "

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