الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مبتعث على حسابي محتارlimkokwing أو mmu؟؟؟

مبتعث على حسابي محتارlimkokwing أو mmu؟؟؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6446 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية المسترق

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    المسترق ماليزيا

    المسترق , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من ماليزيا , مبتعث فى ماليزيا , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة A.D.A.M Academy
    • A.D.A.M Academy
    • طالب
    • ذكر
    • الخبر, KL
    • ماليزيا
    • Jul 2007

    July 9th, 2007, 06:10 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    كيف الحال

    انا جديد عالمنتدى , وأسمحولي بسؤال واستشاره منكم

    انا ان شاء الله ناوي ادرس في مليزيا تخصص
    animation & effects
    وانصحوني ب

    وانا محتار لان ليمكوك وينق متخصصه , ولكن شهادته غير معتمده عندنا في الوزارة (لأني اكيد مثل هالتخصص راح اشتغل في قطاع خاص فما المشكله في عدم اعتمادها من التعليم العالي السعودي)

    وايضاً يمدحون ال mmu ,ولكن أغلب الطلاب يشتكون من المدرسين

    وانا افكر بالlimkokwing اكثر , ولكن متردد

    والفكره حالياً , أني انزل ماليزيا لدرسة اللغة لمدة ثلاث أشهر عالأقل , وهناك سأحدد أيهم.

    واعذروني إذا طولت وكثرت اسئلة

    اخوكم من الدمام

  2. مشكور اخي kasdhm وتسلم يمينك على ردك , بالنسبة لي لاخيار غير ماليزيا والهند

    مشكور اخي الباشا ويعطيك العافيه
    اتمنى ان تكون مثل ماقلت.

    الأخوان ماقصروا في الموضوع , ولكن ممكن من معلومات عن
    اعذروني إذا كنت ثقلت عليكم
    انا ارسلت لهم , وردو لي بكامل النص
    will be glad to provide you with more information concerning all the courses. Please be informed that our next intake will be in July 2007 and the period for applying has started already. We do also have another intake in January 2008.

    For which intake to you intend to apply?
    Do you have any English proficiency certificate?

    For you to receive the offer letter, you will have to send us:

    - a completed application form downloadable from www.limkokwing.edu.my
    - 1 certified copy of Academic Transcripts (O' Level Results, A’ Level Results)
    - 8 passport-size photographs (colour)
    - 2 passport photocopies (all pages including blank pages)
    - School Leaving Certificate (if any)
    - Any English proficiency certificate
    - Registration Fees (one time): USD 90

    Concerning the payment methods, you may send them to our account details below:

    Account Name: Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology Sdn. Bhd.
    Account No : 512446-202208
    Bank Name : Malayan Banking Berhad
    Bank Address : Lot E002, Ground Floor, Block 2200, Enterprise 3 Building, Persiaran APEC, 63000 Cyberjaya,
    Selangor, Malaysia
    Swift Code : MBBEMYKL

    Since you have to send all the documents via courier, it would be advisable that you send a bank draft along for the USD 90 registration fees or you may as well make a Telegraphic Transfer (T.T) and provide us with the bank slip for the confirmation of your fees.

    Once we receive the above documents and payments, we will process your offer letter as well as send your application for visa procedures. It usually takes between 6-8 weeks before receiving the approval. (Subject to clearance)

    All new students are advised to prepare RM 800 (USD230) for visa procedures as soon as they reach our campus.
    This amount will vary according to whether the student will need special pass or not or whehtheer the student comes before or after his/her visa approval.

    The highlighted items below are compulsory for all international students and must be paid after you receive your admission letter, these payments should also be made so that we can endorse your Visa.

    Administration Fees (one time): USD 1000
    Personal Bond (depending on country): USD 455 (refundable)
    Medical Insurance: USD 100 (every year)
    Resource Fees: USD 300 (per annum)
    Security Deposit: USD 150 (refundable)
    Course Fees: (first year fee for the chosen course)
    Wings of Creativity Book: USD 27

    If you do not have any English proficiency qualifications, it would be good for you to do a TOEFL or IELTS exams and the scores that you should achieve for entry to our university are as follows:

    Score - (Paper-based) : 540 above
    Score - (Computer-based): 210 above

    Score: 5.5 above

    or you may provide any other *****alent of the same score.

    If you do not have any English certificates, you can still come and apply to study English language first before joining a diploma/degree course and you will have to take a free placement test in our English Institution (International House) so as to know your actual level of English. If you do not have the required level to enter our courses, you will have to apply for some English tuition before joining your course.

    Below are the course fees for the 12 different levels at International House (IH):

    1 month : USD 365
    2 months : USD 730
    3 months : USD 1,095
    4 months : USD 1,460
    5 months : USD 1,825
    6 months : USD 2,190
    7 months : USD 2,555
    8 months : USD 2,920
    9 months : USD 3,285
    10 months : USD 3,650
    11 months : USD 4,015
    12 months : USD 4,380

    Intakes are taken every month for the English courses.

    Below are the course fee structure for the course mentioned:

    - BA (Hons) Animation:

    Foundation : USD 4,240
    1st Year : USD 5,150

    2nd Year : USD 5,150

    3rd Year : USD 5,150

    Tuition Fees only.


    We have 2 types of dormitories which is on-campus and off-campus accommodation. Boys and girls are not allowed to stay together and all students should follow the rules & regulations stated by the management for their own safety.

    On-Campus Accommodation: (Full & currently not available)

    It is found on our university premises in Cyberjaya and the rooms offered are fully furnished. Students have their personal bedrooms but they still share the living room, kitchen, the common bathroom and the facilities provided within the accommodation. Utilities (electricity & water bills) are already implemented in the rental. The types of rooms and rental are provided below:

    Single bedroom with air conditioning: RM 800
    Twin bedroom with air conditioning : RM 550 (each student)

    Off-Campus Accommodation:

    It is in the form of apartments provided in a Desaria Villas condominium and it has a lot of facilities such as swimming pool, gym, restaurants and tennis and basketball courts. The location is in Cyberjaya and is found around 5 minutes drive from the university and we provide school buses at different times during the day for students to travel to the campus and back to the student apartments and the bus cards are sold at RM 70 monthly.

    Each apartment at Desaria Villas has 3 bedroom types as well as bathroom, living room and kitchen and they are all fully furnished. Students are allowed to choose rooms with or without air-conditioning. The types of rooms and costs are provided below:

    Single Bedroom for 1 student:
    with air conditioning - RM 400
    without air-conditioning - RM 350

    Twin Bedroom for 2 students:
    with air conditioning - RM 310 (each student)
    without air-conditioning - RM 260 (each student)

    Master Bedroom for 2 students:
    with air conditioning - RM 350 (each student)
    without air-conditioning - RM 300 (each student)

    Utility bills are charged per apartment and shared among housemates. The bills are capped at RM 150 for units witout aircon and RM 250 for units with aircon. Weekly cleaning of rooms is provided for common areas (kitchen, bathrooms and living room) except rooms.

    For both on-campus and off-campus accommodation, the mode of payments should be made for 5-months in advance and 2- months deposit, as from the 1st day of checking-in. Payments for rental are made upon satisfaction of the student.

    We do provide airport pickup services to our accommodation but not during the weekend and Malaysian public holidays. Bookings are to be made 1 week in advance prior to your arrival and we should be provided with proper flight details i.e. (Airline, Flight number, Date and Malaysian arrival time.)

    You will need approximately about RM 1,200 to cover costs of accommodation, food, transport, books, material, stationary and miscellaneous expenses.

    Note: Currency exchange is based on the prevailing rate of USD 1.00 : RM 3.3

    If you require any more information about accommodation, visa and any other small matters regarding your application, please do not hesitate to email me.
    7 "

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