الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تخصصات جامعه ukm كامله

تخصصات جامعه ukm كامله


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5890 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية studnt

    مشرف سابق على ملتقى ماليزيا وسنغافوره و اندونيسيا

    studnt ماليزيا

    studnt , ذكر. مشرف سابق على ملتقى ماليزيا وسنغافوره و اندونيسيا. من ماليزيا , مبتعث فى ماليزيا , تخصصى GIS , بجامعة UPM
    • UPM
    • GIS
    • ذكر
    • kl, selangor
    • ماليزيا
    • Nov 2007

    November 2nd, 2008, 05:55 PM

    ماجستير ودكتوراه
    بحث فقط
    Master of Health Science (Biomedical Science)
    Master of Health Science (Clinical linguistics)
    Master of Health Science (Optometry)
    Master of Health Science (Nutrition)
    Master of Health Science (Dietetics)
    Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy)
    Doctor of Philosophy (Optometry)
    Doctor of Philosophy (Nutrition)
    Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Science)
    Doctor of Philosophy (Dietetics) Thesis
    Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical linguistics

    Master of child law
    Master of family law
    Master of Islamic financial system
    Master of Islamic financial law
    Master of comparative administrative law
    Master of medical law
    Master of securities regulation law
    Master of insolvency law
    Master of sale of goods law
    Master of comparative lab our law
    Master of intellectual property law
    Master of tort law
    Master of criminal law

    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Master of
    Master of Operative Dentistry
    Master of Posthodontics
    Master of Orthodontics
    Master of Surgical Periodontology
    Master of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
    Master of Dental Public Health

    Master of Business Administration
    Master of Accounting
    Master of Economics
    Doctor of Business Administration
    Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

    Master of Guidance and Counseling
    Master of Teaching of English as a Second Language
    Master of Curriculum and Pedagogy
    Master of Malay Language Education
    Master of Islamic Education
    Master of Computer Education
    Master of Mathematics Education
    8. Master of Science Education
    Master of Business and Entrepreneurship Master of Education
    Master of Measurement and Evaluation
    Master of Sports Management
    Master of Educational Administration
    Master of Educational Psychology
    Master of Social Psychology in Education
    Master of Sociology of Education
    Master of Resource and Information Technology
    Master of Preschool Education
    Master of Education for Children with Special Needs
    Master of History Education
    Master of Economics Education
    Master of Literature Education
    Master of Arabic Education

    Master of Engineering Civil & Structural
    Master of Engineering Environmental
    Master of Engineering Communications & Computer
    Master of Engineering Manufacturing System
    Master of Engineering Chemical
    Master of Science Semiconductor Packaging Technology
    Master of Science Microelectronic
    Master of Science Industrial & Technology Management

    Master of Syariah
    Master of Theology and Philosophy
    Master of Arabic and Islamic Civilization Studies
    Master of Dakwah and Leadership Studies
    Master of Qur'anic and Sunnah Studies

    Master of Information Technology Computer Science
    Master of Information Technology System and Management Sciences
    Master of Information Technology Information Science
    Master of Information Technology Industrial Computing
    Doctor of Philosophy Computer Science
    Doctor of Philosophy System and Management Sciences
    Doctor of Philosophy Information Science
    Doctor of Philosophy Industrial Computing

    Master of Medicine Anaesthesiology
    Master of Medicine Internal Medicine
    Master of Medicine Pediatrics
    Master of Medicine Psychiatry
    Master of Medicine Radiology
    Master of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Master of Surgery General Surgery
    Master of Surgery Ophthalmology
    Master of Surgery Orthopedics
    Master of Surgery Otorhinolaryngology
    Master of Pathology Hematology
    Master of Pathology Anatomy
    Master of Pathology Forensic Medicine
    Master of Pathology Chemical Pathology
    Master of Pathology Microbiology & ParasitologyMaster of Medicine Family Medicine
    Master of Community Medicine
    Advanced Master of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Advanced Master of Cardiology
    Advanced Master of Dermatology

    Master of Medical Science Anatomy
    Master of Medical Science Biochemistry
    Master of Medical Science Microbiology
    Master of Medical Science Pharmacology
    Master of Medical Science Physiology
    Master of Medical Science Public Health
    Master in Medical Social Work
    Master of (Physics)
    Master of (Material Science)
    Nuclear Science) Master of
    Master of (Biochemistry)
    Master of (Molecular Biology)
    Master of (Plant Biotechnology)
    Master of (Microbiology)
    Master of (Animal Science)
    Master of Plant Science
    Master of (Biology)
    Master of (Botany)
    Master of (Genetics)
    Master of (Geology)
    Master of (Ocean Science)
    Master of (Environmental Science)
    Master of Zoology

    Master of Arts Anthropology and Sociology
    Master of Arts Geography
    Master of Arts Analysis of Policy and Security
    Master of Arts Communication
    Master of Arts Linguistics
    Master of Arts Strategic and Defense Studies
    Master of Arts Malay Letters
    Master of Arts Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    Master of Arts Counseling Psychology
    Master of Arts Psychology
    Master of Arts Political Science
    Master of Arts History
    Master of Arts English Language Studies

    ماجستير كورس ورك
    Faculty of Science and Technology

    Master of (Chemistry)
    Master of (Nutrition)
    Master of (Food Science)
    Master of (Conservation Biology)
    Master of (Entomology)
    Master of (Engineering and Environmental Geophysics)
    Master of (Engineering Geology
    Master of (Industrial Minerals)
    Master of (Management of Plant Genetic Resources)
    Master of (Environmental Assessment and Monitoring)
    Master of (Marine Sciences)
    Master of (Plant Systematic)
    Master of (Mathematics)
    Master of (Statistics)
    Master of (Quality and Productivity Improvement) k
    Master of (Energy Technology)
    Master of (Applied Physics)
    Master of plant genetic resource management
    Master of engineering geophysics and environment
    Master of entomology
    Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
    Master of Health Science (Health Education)
    Master of Clinical Pharmacy
    Master of Health Informatics
    Master of Clinical Psychology
    Master of biomedical since
    Master of Dietetic
    Master of Optometry
    Master of Pharmacy
    Master of Clinical nutrition
    Master of Community nutrition
    Master of Clinical pharmacy

    Faculty of Dentistry
    Master of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Master of Operative Dentistry
    Master of Orthodontics
    Master of Orthodontics
    Master of Surgical Period ontology
    Master of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
    Master of Dental Public Health
    the faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Business
    Master of Business Administration (APPLID FINANCE AND INFESTMENY)
    Master of Business Administration( EDUCATIONAL MANEGMENT
    Master of Business Administration
    Master of Business Administration (HELTHY MANEGMENT)
    Master of Accounting
    Master of Economics

    Faculty of Education
    Master of Guidance and Counseling
    Master of Teaching of English as a Second Language
    Master of Curriculum and Pedagogy
    Master of Malay Language Education
    Master of Islamic Education
    Master of Computer Education
    Master of Mathematics Education.
    Master of Science Education
    Master of Business and Entrepreneurship Education
    Master of. Measurement and Evaluation.
    Master of Sports Management
    Master of Educational Administration
    Master of Educational Psychology
    Master of Social Psychology in Education
    Master of Sociology of Education
    Master of Resource and Information Technology
    Master of Preschool Education
    Master of Education for Children with Special Needs
    Master of History Education
    Master of Economics Education
    Master of Literature Education
    Master of Arabic Education
    Master of Spatial education
    Master of Education management
    Faculty of Engineering
    Master of Engineering Civil & Structural
    Master of Engineering Environmental
    Master of Engineering Communications & Computer
    Master of Engineering Chemical
    Master of engineering manufacturing system
    Master of Engineering Mechanical
    Master of since Industrial and management technology
    Master of since Microelectronic

    Faculty of Islamic Studies

    Master of Syariah
    Master of Theology and Philosophy
    Master of Arabic and Islamic Civilization Studies
    Master of Dakwah and Leadership Studies
    Master of Qur'anic and Sunnah Studies

    Faculty of Information Science and Technology
    Master of Information Technology Computer Science
    Master of Information Technology System and Management Sciences

    Faculty of Law

    Master of child law
    Master of family law
    Master of Islamic criminal
    Master of Islamic financial law
    Master of comparative corporate law
    Master of medical law
    Master of securities regulation law
    Master of insolvency law
    Master of sale of goods law
    Master of comparative lab our law
    Master of intellectual property law
    Master of criminal law
    Gender and law
    International law

    Faculty of Medicine

    Master of Medicine Anesthesiology
    Master of Medicine Internal Medicine
    Master of Medicine Pediatrics
    Master of Medicine Psychiatry
    Master of Medicine Radiology
    Master of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Master of Surgery General Surgery
    Master of Surgery Ophthalmology
    Master of Surgery Orthopedics
    Master of Surgery Otorhinolaryngology
    Master of Pathology Hematology
    Master of Pathology Anatomy
    Master of Pathology Forensic Medicine
    Master of Pathology Chemical Pathology
    Master of Pathology Microbiology & Parasitology
    Master of Medicine Family Medicine
    Master of Community Medicine
    Master of Environmental healthy
    Master of Occupational healthy
    Master of Healthy and hospital management

    Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

    Master of Arts Anthropology and Sociology
    Master of Arts Geography
    Master of Arts Analysis of Policy and Security
    Master of Arts Communication
    Master of Arts Linguistics
    Master of Arts (Strategic and Defense Studies
    Master of Arts Malay Letters
    Master of Arts Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    Master of Arts Counseling Psychology
    Master of Arts Psychology
    Master of Arts Political Science
    Master of Arts History
    Master of Arts English Language Studies
    Master of Philosophy Anthropology and Sociology
    Master of Philosophy Geography
    Master of Philosophy Analysis of Policy and Security
    Master of Philosophy Communication
    Master of Philosophy Linguistics
    Master of Philosophy Strategic and Defense Studies
    Master of Philosophy Malay Letters
    Master of Philosophy Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    Master of Philosophy Counseling Psychology
    Master of Philosophy Psychology
    Master of Philosophy Political Science
    Master of Philosophy History

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