ماشاء الله تخصص رائع وجميل وياريت السعوديه تهتم في هذا المجال
7 " تخصص نظم المعلومات الإدارية (MIS)
تخصص نظم المعلومات الإدارية (MIS)
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5952 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته7 "
اخوي كم درجه القبول بهذا التخصص للبكلوريس ارجو الرد جزاك الله خير - مشكور كتير أخويا على الشرح بس عندى استفسار7 "
أنا حاصل على بكاوريوس علوم حاسب آلى
ومرشح انى أسافر أعمل ماجستير فى ادارة نظم المعلومات بس للأسف مأخدتش امتحان التوفل والجى ار اى
فممكن لو تقولى أحسن الجامعت ف التخصصص ده ولو ممكن يبقى فيه قبول مشروط
وجزاكم الله خيرا
7 " - تخصص رآئع ومستقبله جدا مبهر ^_^7 "
ممكن نبذة عن دارسين التخصص هذا MIS (بكالريوس)
على ايش يعتمد في الدرآسة ؟
آتمنى الرد ولو بكلمة - موضوع في غاية الاهمية بصراحة7 "
بصراحة تعبت وانا ادور على جامعات في امريكا موصى بها في هالتخصص للماجستير
ياليت اللي عندهم خبرة يساعدونا - موضوع جدا رائع7 "
انا تخصصي نظم معلومات التابع لكلية الحاسب الالي في الرياض طبعا
نفسي اكمل ماستر بس محتارة اكمل اداري او حاسب؟ - السلالام عليكم7 "
انا عزمت ادرس mis برا وين الافضل ادرسة باميركا او بريطانياا؟؟ -
7 " - السلام عليكم7 "
بعد إذن صاحب الموضوع الله يجزيه خير الجزاء
إليكم المواد الإجبارية لمن أرد أن يكمل في تخصص إدارة نظم المعلومات وطبعا الدارس لهذا التخصص لابد أن يدرس بعضا من علوم الإدارة، فإذا كان الدارس مثلا يريد أن يدرس تخصص إدارة نظم المعلومات فعليه أن يدرس بعضا من مواد الإدارة وقد تختلف من جامعة إلى أخرى،وهي كالتالي:
FIN 511 Financial Management 3 Credit hours ACCT 511 Financial Accounting 3 Credit hours HRM 511 Human Resources Management 3 Credit hours MIS 511 Management Information Systems 3 Credit hours ECON 511 Managerial Economics 3 Credit hours MKT 511 Marketing Management 3 Credit hours MGT 511 Advanced Quantitative Business Analysis 3 Credit hours IBM 511 International Business Administration 3 Credit hours EPR 511 Entrepreneurship 3 Credit hours OPM 511 Operations Management 3 Credit hours HRM 512 Organizational Behavior 3 Credit hours MGT 581 Business Strategies 3 Credit hours
ثم يدخل في دراسة تخصص إدارة نظم المعلومات وهي عبارة عن أربع إلى خمس مواد وشرحها بشكل مبسط كالتالي:
MBA-Management Information Systems:وبالتوفيق للجميع إن شاء الله
In addition to the Core Course (MIS 511), a student interested in MIS as area of concentration must select (4) out of (5) or more courses offered by the MIS Department.
Core Course:
MIS 511 - Management Information Systems Credits 3.00:
The course covers the role of information systems that affect the decision making processes and the overall organizational performance. It focuses on the characteristics and structures of management information systems, management techniques and the decision-making styles. It also covers the information systems and their relations with the organizational structures, the MIS planning, the MIS applications and other managerial aspects of information systems. Topics include Management Information Systems Types, IS Strategic Alignment, Information Intensive Business Processes, Decision Making, Telecommunication and Network, Marketing Information Systems, Human Recourse Information Systems, Accounting Information Systems and Finance Information Systems. Business Analysis Techniques Are Emphasized For Systems Such As Transactions Processing Systems (TPS), E-Business, Management Reporting Systems And Data Warehouses.
MIS Electives:
1. MIS 531 -Database Management Systems Credits 3.00:
This course acquaints students with the techniques involved in determining database requirements, designing databases, components and architecture of databases, and database management systems. Topics will include the Context of Database Management: The Database Environment, and Development Process, Database Analysis: Modeling Data In The Organization, The Enhanced E-R Model and Business Rules, Database Design: Logical, Database Design and The Relational Model, Physical Database Design and Performance, Implementation: SQL, Advanced SQL, The Client/Server Database Environment, The Internet Database Environment, and Data Warehousing.
(Pre-Req.: MIS 511)
2. MIS 532 - System Analysis and Design Credits 3.00:
In this course, Methodologies of systems analysis and design are introduced, including conducting feasibility studies, analysis, and designing application of software through the SDLC, prototyping, and rapid application development.
(Pre-Req.: MIS 531)
3. MIS 533 - Knowledge Management Credits 3.00:
The objectives of the course are to understand what KM is and how it can enhance organizational performance; Course focus is on the three critical elements in knowledge management - people, processes, and technology. The course will explore practices entailed in developing a knowledge infrastructure, managing the interaction of people and technology, valuing knowledge assets, leveraging teams, and knowledge transfer across organizations.
(Pre-Req.: MIS 511)
4. MIS 534 - International E-Commerce Credits 3.00:
This course provides an understanding of the information technologies that enable business-to-business and business-to-consumer electronic commerce while focusing on the strategic, operational, management, and societal issues associated with such technology-based commerce. Also, topics include Standards for International e-Commerce, Security, Payment Systems and Policy Issues for International e-Commerce such as Taxation, Privacy, Regulation, and Law.
(Pre-Req.: MIS 511)
5. MIS 535 - Strategic Information Systems Credits 3.00:
This course examines the use of information technology to achieve competitive advantage, effective decision-making and efficient operations. The course will explore the usage of many kinds of information systems and technology in organizations and analyze their role, functions, and effects on competitive strategy and organizational operations.
(Pre-Req.: MIS 532)