Hi Nasreen,
sorry i'm at school so i cant write in Arabic. I'll answer some of your questions.
1- best English schools in Vancouver (in my opinion) A-BCIT, B-UBC, 3-SFU
2-please check this link if you want to know which school is approved by the Saudi Bureau
3- salary or allowance please check this link http://www.saudibureau.org/FIN10.pdf
4-please check this link to have an overview about the apartments in vancouver vancouver, BC apts/housing for rent classifieds - craigslist , if you have any question please let me know o good luck
7 " sorry i'm at school so i cant write in Arabic. I'll answer some of your questions.
1- best English schools in Vancouver (in my opinion) A-BCIT, B-UBC, 3-SFU
2-please check this link if you want to know which school is approved by the Saudi Bureau
3- salary or allowance please check this link http://www.saudibureau.org/FIN10.pdf
4-please check this link to have an overview about the apartments in vancouver vancouver, BC apts/housing for rent classifieds - craigslist , if you have any question please let me know o good luck
November 9th, 2011, 04:00 AM
السلام عليكمقريت ان ولايه برتش كولومبيا جوها افضل من باقي كندا
خاصه مدينه فانكفورد
افضل المعاهد وجنبها حضانه ؟؟ معاي بنتي عمرها سنتين يقبلونها بسرعه ولا تقعد على قائمه الانتظار كمان؟؟؟
كيف اعرف المعاهد المتكدسه ؟؟
كم المكافئه لعائله معاها طفل ؟ واسعار شقه بغرفه ومطبخ وحمام وانتم بكرامه واكيد صاله ؟؟ واسعار الحاضنات ؟؟
وكل عام وانتم بخير