الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تجمع طلاب University of Alberta

تجمع طلاب University of Alberta


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6201 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الاخ FAQED والله انا ما لقيت اي رحلة مباشرة على ادمنتون كل الرحلات لازم تمر على بلد وبعدين تكمل الرحلة
    أقسم بالله مش شايل همّ كثر هم السفرة نفسها و السكن هناك

    ايه لازم تمر على بلد ثاني

    وترى تتيسر الامور وتمشي
    حتتيسر لمّا تتكلم انقليزي بطلاقة .. أنا ما أتكلمها بطلاقة لكن اطقطق فيها على شوي شوي
    7 "
  2. هذا هو الإيميل
    TO: .........Ahmad

    Subject: Greetings from the University of Alberta, Canada!

    My name is Louise Bohachyk, and I am a Program Assistant with the English Language Program at the University of Alberta. I am helping Mimi Hui, our Executive Director, with the logistics planning of your arrival to Canada.

    I understand that you have been accepted to the English Language Program and your English language training will begin this coming May at the University of Alberta. As you plan your trip to Canada, it is important that we receive information from you as soon as possible. To facilitate this process, please complete the following form:

    Arrival Information

    My Name: ­____________________________

    1.My flight schedule from Saudi Arabia to Edmonton:
    Date: ­­____________________ Arrival Time: ____________
    Airline: __________________

    2.Do you need airport pickup? Yes _____ No ______
    The cost for airport pickup starts at about CAD $50. We can only arrange airport pickup if we know your arrival schedule seven (7) working days in advance. You will pay cash directly to the driver who will meet you at the airport.

    3.How many people will be coming along with you? What are their names?
    Number of people arriving with me: _________
    §Name: _____________________
    Relationship: Wife _____ Husband _____ Relative ______
    §Name: _____________________
    Relationship: Wife _____ Husband _____ Relative ______

    Are there any children in this group? Yes ______ No _______
    Names of Children: ____________________________________________
    Their ages: __________ Relationship to you: ____________

    4.Will the people who are traveling with you require ESL training at the English Language Program? Yes _______ No________
    It is best to apply for admission to the English Language Program when you are still in your home country. We can give you details on the application process in our reply.
    Housing arrangements
    Short-term housing plan:
    §You can stay at the University’s Residence (Schaffer Hall) for the first two weeks before looking for an apartment of your choice.
    §The cost for the room is about CAD $50 per person per night. For example, it will cost you $100 per night for 2 people. You will pay the University Residence directly for your stay.
    §Couples are not allowed to share the same unit at the Residence. You will need to stay in two separate rooms during the entire stay.
    §If you need to stay more than two weeks at Schaffer Hall, you can make that arrangement when you are here.

    Other options would be to stay at hotels or apartment hotels in the city. Please note that you will have to book apartment hotels on your own. You can see what is available by searching for “apartment hotels Edmonton” on the Internet.

    Please advise us of your short-term accommodation plan by
    April 18, 2008

    Long-term housing plan:
    We will give you ideas regarding apartment vacancies in the city. It is ultimately your responsibility to contact the apartment managers and sign rental agreements when you arrive here.

    Documents to bring with you
    §Please bring along original copies of the letters of reference, any transcripts, and degree certification. If you have English versions of these documents, please bring them as well.
    §Your application to graduate school at the University of Alberta requires original copies of letters of reference and original transcripts. The Web site for graduate studies provides information such as admission requirements, application deadlines, fees, etc. on applying to graduate school (www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca). However many departments have other criteria and higher standards for admission. That's why applicants should always contact the department before applying.
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