الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


معهد (wcc)

معهد (wcc)


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية اليخاندرو

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    اليخاندرو غير معرف

    اليخاندرو , تخصصى student , بجامعة الله يكتب الي فيه
    • الله يكتب الي فيه
    • student
    • غير معرف
    • انشاءالله مانشس&, انشاءالله شمال ب
    • غير معرف
    • Jun 2008

    November 7th, 2008, 12:56 AM

    ياشباب وبنات فانكوفر انا انشاءالله نهاية شهر 12 بكون عندكم وسجلت بمعهد(wcc) افيدوني جزاكم الله خير كيف المعهد زين ولا لا لاني سجلت فيه ولا ادري شسالفه ......
    ودمتم سالمين
  2. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهــ

    اخوي بصراحه انا اعرف المسؤول عن العرب في هالمعهد لان كان في مسؤول معهد ثاني بفانكوفير

    وهو راسل لي رساله انه انتقل إلى معهد wcc ويمدح فيه مره

    وماشاء الله عليه رجااااااال خدوووووووووووووووم للعرب

    اسمه محمد عبدي

    واي استفسار حاظرين يالغالي
    7 "
  3. اخ سناااك مرة مشكووور على الرد لانه انا كمان بمعهد wcc وكنت حابة اعرف كيف مستوى المعهد..

    موقع المعهد westactive .com

    وهوا في water street ياريت اللي يعرف فندق قريب من المعهد لاني ناوية انزل كم يوم على ما اشوف شقة .. الله يعطيكم الف عافية
    7 "
  4. Hello Everyone. My name is Mohamed Abdi. I'm the Academic Director and Marketing Director (responsible for the Middle East) at WCC (Westactive Community College). I used to work for another school in Vancouver. I've been in this business for more than 8 years. I've had a few Saudi students and I have taken care of them. I understand your culture, I speak your language and I'll make sure that you get the best services possible. I'll make sure that you learn and improve in a safe, and positive atmosphere. I arrange for your homestay and make sure that you're having a great time and learning English. I also do my best to register you at a university if you wish to study at a University in Canada. .
    .The quality of our lessons is great. In the morning we focus on communication, mainly speaking and listening. In the afternoon we have a good selection of elective lessons like communicative Grammar, speaking, listening, pronunciation, Academic English, Intensive Writing, TOEFL iBT and others.
    We have 2 campuses, 1 in Vancouver and 1 in Whistler. This is our website: http://www.westactive.com .This is my e-mail address: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى). If you have any questions,please feel free to ask me. I'll be happy to answer you.
    In short, yes WCC is a great school. Come t o Vancouver...meet Abdi and have a great and positive experience. Learn English and achieve your goals. Abdi is here to help you do that. Thanks! Chukran and Salam. Mohamed Abdi
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  5. To answer Ms Lina's question, yes we determine your speaking level on your first day at scool through an interview. Then you write a placement test which consists of grammar and reading and finally we decide your level based on your performance on both tests. Also, you have an orientation day of Monday to learn about the school and the city of Vancouver. Mohamed Abdi is always there to answer your questions and help you with everything that you need insha Allah! Thanks again and welcome to WCC and Vancouver, Canada. Salam. Mohamed Abdi Academic Director/Marketing Director (Middle East)
    7 "

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