الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


يأهل ساسكتشوان جاني خطاب ثاني من ساندي وابي اعرف وش مضمونه الله يوفقكم

يأهل ساسكتشوان جاني خطاب ثاني من ساندي وابي اعرف وش مضمونه الله يوفقكم


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5958 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية الــذيــب


    الــذيــب غير معرف

    الــذيــب , ذكر. محظور. , تخصصى صيدلي , بجامعة جامعة سعود
    • جامعة سعود
    • صيدلي
    • ذكر
    • الرياض, الرياض
    • غير معرف
    • Aug 2006

    October 6th, 2008, 09:45 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جاني خطاب من الي اسمها ساندي ومادري يجوز اني فهمته غلط
    ولكن على حسب مافهمت انه فيه معادلة بتخصص الصيدلة
    مع العلم اني ارسلهم بالعربي واقعد اترجم بقوقل
    ونتم عارفين شهادتي دبلوم صيدلة فارجو منكم توضيح رسالتها
    واذا عندهم معادله تكفوووووووووووووووون لاتقصرون معي

    Here are the steps for applying to our Pharmacy program:

    1. Complete courses of the pre-Pharmacy or the pre-Nutrition year by April 30 in the year in which you wish to apply. The courses required for Pharmacy are *****alent to the following: Biology 120.3 (The Nature of Life) and Biology 121.3 (The Diversity of Life); Chemistry 112.3 (General Chemistry); Chemistry 250.3 (Organic Chemistry); English 110.6 (Literature and Composition) or French 121.3 and French 123.3 or 125.3 (Literature and Composition), and 12 credits of electives in humanities, social sciences or fine arts of which 6 credits must be from Psychology 110.6 (Introductory Psychology) or Sociology 110.6 (Introductory Sociology) or Philosophy 110.6 (Introductory Philosophy).

    هذي فهمتها انها تعادل هذي المواد

    The pre-Nutrition courses are *****alent to the following: Biology 120.3 (The Nature of Life) and Biology 121.3 (The Diversity of Life); Chemistry 112.3 (General Chemistry); Chemistry 250.3 (Organic Chemistry), English 110.6 (Literature and Composition) or French 121.3 and 123.3 or 125.3 (Literature and Composition}; one of Psychology 110.6 (Introductory Psychology) or Sociology 110.6 (Introductory
    Sociology); and 6 credits of elective courses
    3. Complete the application and submit it with the $75.00 (Canadian) application fee.
    4. Be prepared to write the Critical Skills Essay and Personal Profile on the required date (will be indicated on the application form). The essay and profile will be couriered to a test sight in your country.

    5. Before June 1 in the year in which you apply, submit to the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition the following documentation. It would be in your best interest to apply early, i.e by December 1 of the year before admission. (If you apply for admission in September 2009 (deadline date will be February 15, 2009) but it would be an advantage to apply by December 31, 2008.
    - Proof of secondary (high school) graduation and grades directly by your high school or official body maintaining your records (Department of Education, Examining Board). In cases where the official records are given directly to the student, a certified copy of the original documents should be submitted and you will be required to present your originals upon arrival.
    - Post-secondary (university level or college level) documents of all courses completed should by sent by the official records office of your institution directly to our College. In the case where official records are given directly to the student, a certified copy should be submitted and originals presented upon arrival.
    - In all cases detailed course descriptions or a syllabus for any post-secondary courses completed outside of Canada must be submitted. Descriptions should include the following: topics covered, hours of instruction/labs and names/authors of textbooks used. Sample assignments and examinations might also be helpful in determining *****alencies.

    6. Provide Proof of English Proficiency
    The language of instruction at the University of Saskatchewan is English. You must provide proof of English proficiency. It is important that you submit this proof before the June 1 deadline.

    7. Write the essay and profile. All applicants will be notified after June 15 of the status of their application.

    8. If you are accepted and receive your Acceptance Letter begin to apply for your Study Permit. Note all admission information will be from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and not the University in General. For a complete guide to applying for your study guide please visit the web at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/.

    9. Make travel arrangements to Saskatoon after you receive your Study Permit and arrange to arrive prior to the beginning of classes (early September).

    10. Contact the International Student Office for further assistance. Visit the website at http://www.usask.ca/international.html.

    Our College web site at http://www.usask.ca/pharmacy-nutrition/ provides all the information on admission and our program. The University web site is at http://www.usask.ca/registrar/.

    Sandy Knowles
    Admissions Secretary (Undergraduate Program)
    College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
    University of Saskatchewan
    110 Science Place
    Saskatoon SK S7N 5C9
    Phone: 306-966-6368
    Fax: 306-966-6377
    Email: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط الملتقى)


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