الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


جاني قبول من جامعة (Guelph ) ... < شالسالفه ..!!

جاني قبول من جامعة (Guelph ) ... < شالسالفه ..!!


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5147 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية L.O.R.D

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    L.O.R.D كندا

    L.O.R.D , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى .. , بجامعة SMU
    • SMU
    • ..
    • ذكر
    • Halifax, NC
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2010

    November 17th, 2010, 01:31 AM

    السسلام عليكم ..
    وكل عام وانتم بخيرر ..
    يا اخوان انا من طلاب المرحلة السادسة ..
    ونحن بصدد استلام القبولات وزي كذا ..
    المهم جاني مسجين على اميلي من جاامعة .Guelph
    كلها بالنقلش وطبعا انا مييييييح ..
    فأرجوا افاادتي ..

    وهذي المسجين .

    OUAC Reference Number :
    University of Guelph ID : ....
    Dear ....

    Thank you for your application to the University of Guelph.

    **Please save/print this email for future reference as it contains

    important information**

    We are pleased to have received your application to the

    University of Guelph, one of Canada's top comprehensive
    Universities. We will be contacting you shortly via email with more
    details on how to proceed with the application process.

    In the meantime, please note the following information:

    We will be assigning you a personal University of Guelph email

    address shortly. To ensure the privacy of your information all
    correspondence to and from the University will be through this
    account. In compliance with University regulations and the
    Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act(FIPPA)
    Legislation we are unable to discuss details of your application with
    a third party (including parents/partners) without your express
    written permission.

    Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you satisfy

    the prerequisties for the program you have applied to as well as
    ensuring that all applicable documents are received at Admission
    Services by the appropriate deadlines. For information on program
    requirements and deadlines please visit http://admission.uoguelph.ca

    All applicants ( high school,college and university transfer and

    mature students) are required to submit high school transcripts.
    Regrettably, we will be unable to process your application if these
    transcripts are not received.

    Documents mailed to the Ontario Universities Application Centre

    (OUAC) are unfortunately not forwarded to us. Please ensure that
    all documents are submitted directly to Admission Services at the
    University of Guelph.

    Thank you again for your application.

    Admission Services

    Office of Registrarial Services
    University Centre, Level 3
    University of Guelph
    Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
    University of Guelph

    وبعد 5 دقايق جاني هذا ..

    OUAC Reference Number :
    niv. of Guelph ID :.......
    **Please save/print this email for future reference as it contains
    important information.**

    Dear ......

    Thank you for your application to the University of Guelph. To assist
    you with the application process we have set-up both an individual
    email account, (Gryph Mail) through which we will exclusively
    communicate with you, and a web account (WebAdvisor) which allows
    you to see received or required documents as well as monitor the
    status of your application.

    To access your University of Guelph email account please point your

    browser to https://mail.uoguelph.ca
    Central Login ID and password as noted below.

    UserID: ....
    Password: ...
    University of Guelph email address:@uoguelph.ca

    For more information about your central login account including how

    to change your password and sign up for password insurance
    please visit
    Getting Started | CCS

    If you have a problem accessing your account please contact

    Computing and Communications Services at 519-824-4120 ext.58888
    or by email at 58888help@uoguelph.ca

    All correspondence to and from the University will be sent through

    the above email address to ensure privacy so be sure to check this
    account regularly. We will no longer contact you via your third
    party email account eg. hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc

    Shortly we will be sending you a detailed email to your

    email account which will step you through
    your WebAdvisor account - please ensure that you read this email as
    soon as you receive it as it contains important details required to
    complete your application.

    Please note that is is your responsiblity to ensure that you satisfy

    the prerequisites for the program that you have applied to as well
    as ensuring that all applicable documents are received at Admission
    Services by the appropriate deadlines. For information on program
    requirements and deadlines please visit:http://admission.uoguelph.ca

    Should you not register as a University of Guelph student ,this email

    address will expire October 1st, 2011

    Again we thank you for your application.


    Admission Services

    Office of Registrarial Services
    University Centre, Level 3
    University of Guelph
    Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
    University of Guelph

    اللحين وش الساالفه وووش اسوي ..
    في انتظاركم .
    تحياتي .

  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جامل زمانك
    ماعندي خلفية ابصراحه بس عندي كم سؤال
    كم نسبتك لان انا قدمت على نفس الجامعه وتم الرفض
    وبما انك مبتعث هل الوزارة هي تتكفل بأحضار قبول الجامعه والمعهد

    وموفق يااارب

    ايه الوزارة قدموا لي ونسبتي يا طويل العمر 96%

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة همة مبتعث
    أخي الكريم

    هذه ليست رسالة قبول

    وانما رسالة تفيد بأنك تقدمت للدراسة في هذه الجامعه

    وانشالله ربنا يسهل قبولك ....
    اهاااااا ..
    تقريبا كلامك هو الصح ..
    ربنا ييسر ان شااء الله تحياتي

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة pro.D
    الله يسهل عليك وعلينا ..

    بالتوفيق ..
    ااميـــن يارب .
    وياك يالغلا..
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة AbdulAziz M
    وانا بعد جاني نفس الرسالتين..

    والله مادري شسوي بعدها.. الله يعين.
    خل مكتب تجسير يفتح وبعدين يصير خير.

    حلوو .. يعني مو بس انا ..
    اوكيه ننتظر حضرة المكتب يفتح ونشووف .
    7 "
  4. الرساله الاولي عباره عن اخطار بأستلام طلبك للدراسه في جامعه جولف و ان جميع المراسلات بينك و بين الجامعه يجب ان تكون عن طريق ايميل تابع للجامعه و ان جميع المستندات يجب ارسالها للجامعه و الا لن يتم التدقيق في طلبك
    و عليك الانتباه للعنوان الصحيح لأرسال اوراقك

    الرساله الثانيه كيفيه عمل الايميل التابع للجامعه حيث يمكنك من خلاله متابعه طلبك و مخاطبه الجامعه و ما الي ذلك

    و بالتوفيق
    7 "

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الانضمام لمبتعث

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