الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


The lonley people and the broke ones..group

The lonley people and the broke ones..group

  1. hallo every ones
    boys and girl^^

    this the place where all your painful past will end
    and you will learn how to control your feeling and your heart.
    stay with me and you will have a great time with me and with the group members
    enjoy your time with us^^
  2. إن شاء الله اخي فيلسوف^^
    واتمنى لك التوفيق ولك مني جزيل الشكر على التواجد والزيارة الطيبة^^
  3. ^^
    مرحبا بك اختي مشتاقة لحلمي بيننا
    اتمنى لك المتعه فيما تجدين من فائدة وسرور هنا
  4. To day i thought i have the world in my hand
    but i'v been shacked that my own world will fade
    just like that....
    hope that if i can rewrite my past
    i would earis the one who killed me with his orders.
    to bad i can't
    i only can move on and i won't regrate i won't look back
    i will move on through to place where the sun rise
    where i can live without pain or fear.

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