- uni of liverpool
- med/ managment
- أنثى
- تاريخ التسجيل : December 19th, 2011
- northwest
- المملكة المتحدة
- @ عدد المشاركات : 0
- نشاطات اقدم
لا يوجد نتائج اضافية
مشاهدة dr.bella مدونات
آخر التدوينات
ready to help in English , researches, writing up thesis and/or assignments
بواسطة dr.bella في December 20th, 2011 الساعة 03:38 AM
[QUOTE=dr.bella;1061655871][LEFT][INDENT][B]hello there, I am a medical doctor with postgrad. degrees in medicine, organization management and public health. As I have an extensive experience in researches conducting and writing up (in English[/B][B] indeed), I am happy to offer my services here for under/post graduates (in Saudi or in the UK[/B]:p[B]). ([/B]:mad:[B]only serious people) please feel free to contact me to exchange emails.[/B][/INDENT]
best wishes from
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