السلام عليكم اخوي ولو تكومت ممكن اسالك كم سوال عن الجامعه لانو ابي انقل ومتخوفه ودي اسال شخص بنفس الجامعه لو سمحت اذا تقدر تفيدني باسرع وقت باكون شاكره لك arwa2011 08:22 AM
I'm planning to study H&R I think this is you major ,and thats why I ask u what was the reason SACM said for u?and did u try to convince them or not MASR 06:33 AM
Salam MASR, Acutely this was long time ago 2007, NOVA university was not recommend form SACM, for the time been NO idea if SACM approved NOVA or NOT , you need to check with your Adviser or contact (Tariq AlShik). Please feed me if there any changes from SACM, regarding to NOVA University. Because I am planning to DO my PhD, let me ask you brother what your degree (Master or PhD). So I can help you (if I can). Thanks, هاني الغامدي 02:38 AM