hi zyad,, how are u?? thanx alot for ur respond. i want to ask, if the university at prince george had master program on nursing?? joudi_83 08:10 AM
hey ziad,, really thanx for ur offer, but do u mean in prince george or vancouver??? joudi_83 09:26 AM
i want to be in a school that in university. it will be great to me. but it said it hard. about vancouver ppl said it is a great place. and i dont know about prince george. is it much better??   joudi_83 03:51 AM
الأخ / زياد أنا ذاهب للدراسه على حسابي الخاص وأريد مساعدتك هذا إيميلي fahad.303@hotmail.com كاتم السر 09:58 AM
would you like an english school that doesn't belong to a university? i know of UBC and they say that its english school is good aslo simon fraiser university has a pretty good english school but why vancouver? why not prince george?? it's much colder here!!!! زياد ناصر 02:25 AM
ana 3ende be3tha to canda and i wanna go to vancuver, i was looking for instituation for english, good one cuz i wanna study master degree, here the company found me a place could ILAC but everyone said its bad one. so, do u know a good one?? thanx joudi_83 01:14 AM
hi zyad, how are u?/ if u dont mind i have some Q about vancuver and i am looking for help.. so, if u dont mind, can i ask ur help.. thanx joudi_83 12:45 AM